Bottle caries in early childhood. Symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment!
According to statistics, by the age of six, approximately 70% of children have dental caries. Big percentage
what are braces
What are braces: what are they for and why are they placed on teeth?
Dental braces - what are they, why are they needed, in what cases?
Features and timing of complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones
The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones is a natural physiological process that every child experiences.
If your sinuses hurt - recommendations for patients
Acute sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the nasal appendages (sinuses), so sometimes
Temperature, baby is teething
Temperature during teething: causes, duration
The formation of baby teeth is a stressful situation for a baby, to which his body usually reacts
Dentist in the Russian Federation: salary in private clinics by specialization
The income level of dentists varies depending on the specific region. But don't rush to quit
Pediatric stomatitis
Treatment of stomatitis in children - when to go to the doctor
Stomatitis is an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa, often of infectious or allergic origin.
Teething in children: what a young mother should know
The period when a baby's baby teeth erupt is both exciting and difficult for both
Split language
Splitting: why cut your tongue into two halves? pros and cons
The division of the tongue (snake, forked tongue) is called splitting (from the English split - “to separate”). This is extreme
Molars in children
Teeth in children from 0 to 3 years old. When do children's first teeth appear and cut?
Mom and dad can't wait for their child's baby teeth to begin to be replaced by molars.
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