Instead of braces and aligners, Maria got veneers and is very pleased!

The child’s health is most important to us, and the desire to detect and correct bite problems in a timely manner is highly commendable. Crooked teeth are visible from childhood, but this can almost always be corrected in preschool and school age, preventing the prospect of wearing braces.

Meanwhile, photos of crooked teeth in children leave an indelible impression on parents, so that even a minimal deviation from the norm in their own child seems critical. Don't panic or worry ahead of time. Pay attention to the position of baby teeth, compare it with the photographs given in the article and draw conclusions about the need for a visit to the orthodontist.

Vanessa Paradis

Source: @vanessaparadis__
47-year-old Vanessa Paradis has never been embarrassed by the gap between her teeth. On the contrary, the diastema helped the actress receive many lucrative contracts. The Chanel fashion house, together with the Colette boutique, has released a limited edition of brooches in the shape of Vanessa’s slightly open mouth.

Some girls even came to the dentist's office asking for the same gap to be made.

Overview of correction methods

Each method of correcting crooked teeth has its own characteristics. To figure out how to correct very crooked teeth, consider all the means that are used for this:

  1. Braces. These are small plates made of ceramic or metal that are attached to each individual tooth and connected to each other with a special arch. The plates apply uniform pressure on the teeth, gradually leveling their position. Most models of braces are installed on the front part of the teeth, so the plates are visible when speaking. But there are also special, lingual braces. They are placed on the inside of the teeth. This design is more expensive, but it does not spoil the smile at all.
  2. Mouthguards. These are removable plastic structures that the patient can remove and install himself. It is important that the more often the trays are used, the faster a positive result will be achieved. Typically, mouthguards are used to correct crooked front teeth. The mouth guards themselves are used to correct the bite in children, and they are often placed on adults only to consolidate the achieved result.
  3. Trainers. Removable devices that are worn at night. They are used only to correct minor malocclusions and crooked teeth.
  4. Plates. Made from plastic or metal. They are attached to teeth or crowns with special hooks. Most often used to correct bite in children with small defects.

  5. Veneers. In fact, these are onlays that do not eliminate a tooth defect, but only hide it. Therefore, the question of whether veneers will correct crooked teeth can have only one answer: it is physically impossible if the entire dentition is deformed. But in fact, installing veneers on crooked teeth will help if their surface is uneven. In this case, veneers will simply hide the desired areas

  6. Lumineers. Their installation also allows you to correct minor defects. In fact, lumineers are similar to veneers: they are also glued to the surface of the tooth to level it. But lumineers are thinner than veneers, although this does not affect their strength.
  7. Restoration and prosthetics of crooked teeth. This is a special type of treatment in which each tooth is straightened individually with crowns or composite material. Under the light of a special lamp, it quickly hardens and is completely indistinguishable from an ordinary tooth. The only disadvantage of composite restorations for crooked teeth is that the material can be stained with food coloring.

Sometimes even braces or veneers are not enough to straighten crooked teeth. A crooked tooth can be corrected with a crown, but if the dentition is deformed due to the eruption of a wisdom tooth or anatomical abnormalities of the jaw, surgical intervention may be required. For example, straightening the dentition in some patients can only be done by removing a wisdom tooth, which puts pressure on neighboring teeth and moves them.

Kirsten Dunst

Source: @kirstendunst
At the age of 12, Kirsten Dunst starred in the thriller Interview with the Vampire. The actress did not need to wear fake fangs, she had her own. Filming ended, but Kirsten did not correct the defect. The star’s enamel has also noticeably darkened, but this also doesn’t bother her much.

How to straighten crooked teeth?

The selection of a means for straightening crooked teeth is carried out according to the type of anomaly and taking into account the patient’s age.

To correct malocclusion in children, removable plates or trainers are used. They perform several functions:

  • align the position of teeth and jaws;
  • normalize muscle function;
  • relieve excess pressure from the jaws that the tongue and cheeks exert during conversation or eating.

The use of removable corrective devices is effective only up to 10-12 years. After this, the child develops a permanent bite, which can only be corrected with special mouth guards or braces.

Modern dentistry provides a huge selection of braces. Most often they are installed on the outer surface of the teeth. Unfortunately, they are noticeable during conversation and spoil the aesthetic appearance of a smile. If the aesthetic factor plays a key role, you can install special lingual braces. They are placed on the inside, so the adjustment occurs almost unnoticed by others.

Katy Perry

Source: @katyperry
Unlike her colleagues, Katy Perry doesn’t like her smile, but she’s not going to change it either. According to the star, only children should wear braces.

These teeth are the poison of my beauty. I would like them to be perfect. And they are so crooked, as if they were not teeth, but rocky mountains,” Katie said self-critically in an interview.

Why do teeth become crooked?

It is quite difficult to figure out why teeth are crooked, since there are many reasons for this anomaly. But there are factors that help explain why teeth grow crooked:

  • Personality characteristics: narrow jaw and large teeth that simply do not have enough space in the mouth to grow straight.
  • Bad habits: thumb sucking or using a pacifier for too long in children, lip biting, pencil chewing. All these habits lead to the fact that the teeth do not close completely, and the upper or lower jaw lengthens.
  • Refusal to treat baby teeth. Unfortunately, there are still dentists who claim that caries in baby teeth does not need to be treated and simply remove the child’s diseased tooth. This cannot be done, since early removal of a baby tooth will lead to displacement and curvature of the entire dentition.
  • Mouth breathing: If a person breathes only through the mouth, the shape of the palate gradually changes, which can also cause crooked teeth.

But most of the factors associated with crooked front or any other teeth are laid down in childhood, even in the womb. During the formation of the fetus, dental anomalies of one of the parents can be transmitted to the baby. But even if a child does not have a genetic predisposition, crooked teeth may still appear.

The reasons will be explained by orthopedic dentist of the 32Dent clinic Lyudmila Vladimirovna Ponomareva: “Most dental problems begin in childhood. This also applies to the causes of crooked teeth. If a baby is fed from a nipple with a hole that is too large, he will not make any effort to suck and jaw growth will not be stimulated. This also applies to nutrition: a child’s diet should contain a certain amount of hard food. Thanks to this, baby teeth wear down evenly and jaw growth is stimulated.”

But even if you know exactly why your teeth are crooked, it doesn’t change anything. Unfortunately, there are few qualified dentists who can eliminate malocclusion, and correcting crooked teeth in adults and adolescents is a rather lengthy process.

Kate Middleton

Source: @katemiddletonphotos
The Duchess of Cambridge is adored all over the world, although her appearance is far from the generally accepted ideal. Kate Middleton has an overbite that causes her chin to protrude. The duchess did not dare to undergo serious interventions, but experts say that Prince William’s wife probably had veneers.

Types and degrees of curvature

The method of restoring crooked teeth depends on the degree of curvature and the age of the patient. On the Internet you can find many photos of celebrities with crooked teeth before and after restoration. How does the correction process work?

First, let's look at the degrees of curvature:

  • First degree: refers to individual teeth that differ from the rest in shape, size or location.
  • Crooked teeth 2 degrees: incorrectly formed dentition due to the simultaneous eruption of several teeth at once.
  • Third degree: curvature at the level of the jaws, which leads to improper closure of the upper and lower dentition.

In addition, the front teeth, incisors or wisdom teeth may be crooked. The front ones, as a rule, change shape or location due to external factors: injuries, the habit of chewing a pen or seeds.

Orthodontist Anastasia Sergeevna Arkhangelskaya from the 32 Dent clinic explains why teeth grow crooked in adults: “In adulthood, people often have to have their teeth removed. If an implant or other prosthesis is not installed in their place, the dentition may become crooked. In addition, the development of dental anomalies is facilitated by the eruption of wisdom teeth. This is especially true for people with a narrow jaw, which simply does not have enough space for large wisdom teeth.”

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Teeth after veneers

Life after veneers changed literally by 500%. When she came to my photo shoot, she told me a little story. After installing the veneers, Maria rested in the mountains, where everyone approached her absolutely, everyone wanted to meet her, in all the bars she was constantly offered any, even the most expensive, drinks and gourmet dishes for free. She says that people love her madly, and now there is no end to her fans.

She is absolutely happy!

Maria became a fantastically beautiful model - with a very beautiful color, very straight teeth, and a confident look into the future. And all this happened without braces, without aligners, without wearing them for 3 years, without forever wearing retainers. No orthodontic costs. As they say, feel the difference between braces and veneers.

She achieved a very comfortable situation in her mouth in a fairly short period of time. The question of what to get: “braces or veneers” is a thing of the past for Maria.

We start with the upper front teeth

On the upper front teeth, all the composite and all the material from the teeth were almost completely removed. On the fours and fives on top we only had roots. The front teeth were also not distinguished by the presence of large tissues; we also only had roots. Except for tooth 2.2, tooth 2.2 was alive. That is, of the top 10 teeth with which we worked, only 3 teeth were alive, and 7 were previously depulped.

It turns out we had 4 chewing teeth of which only the root remained, and all the composite fillings were removed from the 3 front teeth; they went almost to the root.

We slightly drilled the root canal

in order to install single-module veneers with the root part.

See what veneers look like with the root


Features of treating crooked teeth for veneers in the lower jaw

By the time the lower teeth were turned, we had already prepared a project, which I relied on - we displayed it on a huge 43-inch monitor. We did something incredible. Taking into account gum correction (the gum was corrected at tooth 1.1)

Below was a very complex project. After we sharpened we received photographs and a real view of the lower teeth


Once trimmed, it looked incredible. It felt like the teeth were completely straight from the start.

Despite the fact that the lower teeth were actually very crooked, we were able to build the ideal geometry of the dentition. Some teeth, such as 3.1, we “pushed” inward a little, and then did the same with teeth 4.1, 4.3 and 3.3.

We filed down the central lower teeth very much from the inside ( BUT!

We didn’t reach the nerve). We “moved” teeth 3.2 and 4.2 outward, filing down their inner part. As a result, as I said earlier, we did not depulpate a single tooth.

The teeth from below, from fang to fang, look quite even, that is, we managed to reach an even plane, an even line. Since we ground teeth 3.2 and 4.2 both inside and out, we decided to make practically crowns on them, that is, the contact points between the teeth remained intact, and the front and back parts were ground as if for a crown.

Malocclusion: stellar examples

Ilya Lagutenko

The singer’s attractive smile, which thousands of fans fell in love with, was formed due to a combination of distal and crossbites. The lower jaw is clearly shifted to the left side and nasal breathing is probably impaired. Pronounced nasolabial folds have formed around the mouth, which do not make the artist look younger.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie (Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images)
As a teenager, the actress had an overbite and uneven teeth, as well as a slightly upturned upper lip. The Hollywood diva wore braces twice: in her youth and at the peak of her fame.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley (Photo: Getty Images)
Mesial occlusion did not prevent the Hollywood star from gaining worldwide fame. The anomaly is clearly visible externally, since the actress’s lower jaw is more massive and pushed forward. As she has aged, her face has widened slightly due to this problem.

What kind of braces do the stars put on?

Most celebrities prefer to hide the fact that they are having their smile fixed and want their fans to think they are naturally perfect. But the paparazzi found out which teeth straightening systems are popular among the stars:

  • sapphire – transparent, invisible and suitable for photography;
  • lingual – braces that are installed on the inside of the teeth, they are invisible to others;
  • Ceramic braces are noticeable and match the color of the teeth. Stars wear these braces when on vacation, when they don’t have to be afraid of meeting paparazzi.

Stars are people just like us. They are not born perfect, but their job is to always look perfect and delight us with their talent. Therefore, they always resort to the services of aesthetic dentistry to make their image perfect, and to become a role model for their many fans.

Celebrities who proved that braces are beautiful

Many celebrity personalities have bite problems and correct them with braces. Overlays have become a kind of feature that adds zest to the appearance. Among the large list of stars with braces are the following:

  • Tom Cruise;
  • Angelina Jolie;
  • Sydney Crawford;
  • Gwen Stefani;
  • Emma Watson;
  • Prince Harry;
  • Megan Fox;
  • Cristiano Ronaldo;
  • Nicolas Cage;
  • Miley Cyrus.

Why do teeth grow at random?

Malocclusions are often caused by heredity. If parents have certain defects in the dental system, we can guess what dental problems their child will face. However, some systemic diseases, injuries, and improper oral care in childhood also lead to crooked teeth.

The main reasons why adult teeth are positioned incorrectly:

1.Underdevelopment of the dental system

Oddly enough, this is a problem of the accelerated development of civilization and the inability of the human body to adapt so quickly to a new environment. We began to eat freeze-dried food, which does not contribute to the development of the dental system. Genetically, the number of teeth remains the same, but the jaws do not receive the proper load and remain underdeveloped. As a result, teeth grow crowded and become crooked.

2.Premature tooth loss

If a baby tooth is removed before its due date, neighboring teeth tend to take its place, and the dentition is formed incorrectly. Further correction requires considerable time and financial costs. However, the problem concerns not only milk teeth, but also permanent teeth. Injuries sustained in adulthood can cause serious abnormalities. The long-term absence of one or more dental units leads to irreversible consequences: neighboring teeth are displaced, the bite is disrupted.

3. Problematic wisdom teeth

In addition to the fact that the eights themselves can grow crookedly, they contribute to the crowding of the remaining teeth. There is not enough space in the dentition for their full growth; from the moment they erupt, they harm neighboring teeth.

If you are embarrassed about your smile, contact an orthodontist - the problem can be solved.

Bottom line

The myth that braces ruin your smile has long been dispelled. Orthodontic structures correct malocclusion, straighten teeth and make a person more attractive. However, on the path to beauty you have to go through this difficult moment and wear braces for some time. To alleviate discomfort during the treatment period, you should choose beautiful designs that their owner will like.



Braces brands that combine beauty and quality

Among the large assortment of brace systems, the best in terms of beauty and quality can be noted:

  • Inspire ICE Ormco – small sapphire overlays with high transparency;
  • Radiance American Orthodontics – ceramic ligature clasps;
  • Spirit MB Ormco – plastic ligature overlays;
  • Miso HT Corporation - miniature sapphire staples;
  • Elan – self-ligating plastic locks with a metal base;
  • In-Ovation L are metal lingual systems that are installed from the inside of the tooth.

On a note!

Ordinary metal overlays can also become original if you use colored ligatures for them.

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