In Rus', a child’s lost tooth was “given” to a mouse, in the West it was given to the Tooth Fairy: what is the meaning of such a ritual
» Rituals and rituals » A child’s lost tooth in Rus' was “given” to a mouse, in the West
stomatitis in a baby photo
Gum abscess in children: what parents need to know
Does your baby have ulcers behind his lower lip? Don't panic, he probably has
jaw growth
Structure and anatomy of the human lower and upper jaw
Many parents are concerned not only about the psycho-emotional development of the child and issues of general health, but
How to distinguish teething from a cold or other inflammatory diseases?
Young children are susceptible to many diseases and ailments, which are sometimes difficult to understand even for the most experienced
Colgate 360 ​​electric toothbrush and its types
Electric toothbrush “Colgate 360”: application, features of use, review of attachments, reviews
961 All products from this manufacturer are aimed at improving the quality of life of the consumer and electrical
Possible side effects after using local anesthetics
The topic of anesthesia in dentistry is one of the most discussed, since its use allows
Purulent sore throat in children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Causes of tonsillitis in children The disease occurs due to the ingress of bacteria or viruses. Often tonsillitis is provoked
SPEEDEХ - Spidex - set of silicone impression mass
SIDE EFFECTS Polysiloxane has high biological tolerance. To date, no
Photo 1
Chatting dog teeth: what's behind this strange behavior?
Our pets worry and take care of us, feel our illnesses, depression, and depression. Cats
Pain after installing braces
The impact of orthodontic treatment on the patient's appearance
Look at the smile in the photo. Do you notice anything strange? She’s somehow exhausted, tense... And not
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