Why do lips itch, dry, crack, peel: treatment

Many people are familiar with that unpleasant sensation when their lips itch unbearably, and they want to quickly get rid of the discomfort. It is difficult to restrain yourself from scratching the problem area. However, such exposure leads to further irritation, microtrauma, and swelling of this area of ​​the face.

In fact, itchy lips are a symptom of a variety of health problems. If you simply lubricate their surface with honey, do homemade peeling with a toothbrush and salt, apply hygienic lipstick and leave it at that, you can only worsen the situation. Let's figure out what is the reason why lips dry, crack, peel, itch and burn.

Why do lips itch?

Inflammation of the lips in medicine is generally called “cheilitis,” although a variety of pathologies can be hidden under it.

Among the reasons there are both household factors, the consequences of which can be eliminated independently, and health-related problems.


As you know, herpes manifests itself as painful blistering rashes. However, they are preceded by a stage when the lips itch and cause discomfort. It is recommended to start treatment from the first symptoms, only then will it have a quick effect.

The disease is viral in nature. How does the virus enter the body? The vast majority of people on the planet are its carriers, and it lies dormant for the time being, but during periods of decreased immunity it makes itself known. The trigger can be cold, stress, nervous tension. For treatment, local remedies are used, as well as drugs to stimulate the immune system.

A bite of an insect

Midges and other insects become frequent aggressive guests of tourist sites, and of the public simply walking around the city. Even small mosquitoes, seemingly harmless, can cause a severe allergic reaction when bitten on the lip. In most cases, this does not come to this, but the affected upper or lower lip is very itchy. Bedbugs and fleas attack mainly at night, and in the morning the bite site becomes red, swollen and irritated.

Read also: Why Mantu itches: what to do if a child scratches

But the champion in harmful bites are bees and wasps. They secrete poison, which serves as a strong allergen. The body's reaction develops rapidly and violently, up to anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. Bites to the oral mucosa are especially dangerous. You should take an antihistamine quickly, and if the condition worsens, consult a doctor.


There are no sweat and sebaceous glands in the lips, that is, there are no natural lubricants. Sometimes when there is a strong wind or heat, a feeling of tightness arises, you want to lick them, but this will make them dry out even more and crack. In aggressive weather conditions, special lip skin care is needed.

Inflammation after hyaluronic acid injections

Is it normal that after visiting a cosmetologist there is itching, swelling and hardness in the lips? If the manifestations are moderate, then you should not be afraid of them. After the procedure, the cosmetologist should tell you about this side effect and recommend special care in the first few days, including an anti-inflammatory gel. At first, it is recommended to limit kissing and wide smiles. It is better not to touch your lips and avoid any lipstick other than hypoallergenic hygienic lipstick for several days.

Allergy to cosmetics

If your lip itches severely after applying new lipstick or gloss, you may suspect an allergic reaction. In addition to cosmetics, it can be caused by playing wind instruments, working in chemical production, and even toothpaste. Itching, small rashes, erosions appear, crusts and cracks form on the border. It is urgent to avoid contact with the allergen.


A lack of vitamins affects the condition of the entire body, including the surface of the lips. A lack of B vitamins reduces their elasticity and moisture, and unpleasant, painful cracks appear in the corners of the lips. In the future, a secondary infection may join the damaged surface.


Why do the lips on my face itch? One answer to this question is candidiasis. Fungi of the genus candida are normally present in almost every organism. They are considered opportunistic. Fungal problems occur when the immune system is not functioning properly. The main symptoms of a specific fungal infection are: itching, erosion, burning, and a characteristic white coating on the lips.

Read also: Itchy veins on the legs, arms, burning and itching with varicose veins: how to treat

Taking medications

Many drugs from the pharmacy have a very long list of contraindications and side effects. One of them is a burning sensation on the mucous membrane. The lips are a continuation of the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the mouth, so the side effect can spread to them. It is quite possible that this is precisely the reason why the upper (lower) lip itches.

Endocrine diseases

Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine disorders can cause lips to itch and peel. Inflammation, ulcers, and irritation occur on the oral mucosa, then spread to this part of the face.

Why does your upper lip itch?

There are different interpretations depending on the specific location of the itch.

The upper lip can itch for several reasons.


  • The most common and widespread meaning of this sign is a quick date of a romantic nature. In the vast majority of cases, itching localized on the upper lip indicates a pleasant meeting. If we are talking about the first communication with a stranger, most likely it will end with an ardent and hot kiss, which will later be a warm and reverent memory.
  • Itching of the upper lip predicts gifts. It is noteworthy that they can be obtained in different ways. Promotions in stores or a sign of attention from relatives are possible. Alternatively, a colleague will decide to please the person with a treat for no reason.
  • If your lips itch, then such a sign may also indicate unfavorable events. Most likely, a person will pay for the fact that he does not control his own statements and allows himself too much. Someone will certainly point this out to him, and in a rude manner.

Which doctor should I contact?

A dermatologist will help identify the cause of itching of the upper and lower lips. He will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis and find out the origins of the phenomenon that bothers you so much. Accurate diagnosis is the basis of competent treatment.

It is imperative to consult a doctor when, along with persistent inflammation and swelling, the body temperature rises. If reactions occur after using hyaluronic acid or drugs based on it, you need to contact your cosmetologist. He may decide to remove the injected filler.

If the allergic reaction is caused by insect bites, you can consult a general practitioner, and subsequently an allergist. This specialty has become quite common, since a large percentage of the population suffers from allergies.

Why does your lower lip itch?

The interpretation of itching of the lower lip has its own characteristics


  • If this place constantly bothers you, it means that the partner with whom you recently met has retained the most pleasant memories of it. This person is aimed at continuing communication and serious relationships.
  • If your lower lip itches, someone will discuss the person favorably and in a positive way. There are praises and admirations addressed to him. It is noteworthy that after such conversations, a person whose lower lip itches can expect career growth or a profitable and promising deal.
  • This sign tends to indicate that a person constantly puts off doing this or that task for the future. In these circumstances, the body, through itching of the lower lip, tries to indicate the importance and appropriate moment for active action. This behavior will allow you to enjoy what is happening and find happiness. It is likely that a person has long dreamed of traveling to warm countries, purchasing new clothes, or going to a restaurant. It's important to take the initiative and pamper yourself.

Traditional methods of therapy

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, good old folk remedies will also have an excellent effect.

  • A paste of baking soda will help relieve itching after an insidious insect bite.
  • Flaxseed and sea buckthorn oils should be consumed internally and externally to replenish the reserves of vitamins A and E in the body, as well as to soften jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Brewed celandine or chamomile leaves (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) will help heal chapped lips.
  • For an antibacterial effect, it is useful to lubricate the affected skin with tea tree oil.
  • Onions and garlic help at the first signs of herpes. They are crushed and applied to the skin.

A girl’s beautiful, seductive lips are a source of special pride. I don’t want my beauty to be overshadowed by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. You should pay extra attention to your lips during the cold and hot seasons, because it is then that they are most susceptible to the negative effects of the external environment.

Hygienic lipstick should be in the cosmetic bag of every girl who takes care of her appearance. In addition, you need to remember about proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, and a proper drinking regime (it is recommended to drink water at the rate of 30-40 g of water per kilogram of weight per day).

Interpretation of signs about lips by day of the week

On Monday

If your lips itch on this day, it means a romantic adventure is approaching. An invitation to a date will follow from a person who has been of strong interest for a long time. You should show kindness, responsiveness and contact.

Sometimes such a sign tends to predict a sweet sign of attention, for example, a cake or a chocolate bar.

On Tuesday

If you're itching on Tuesday, it's important to take some time for yourself. It’s optimal to go to a cafe, relaxing treatments or visit nice people. Then the whole week will go safely and successfully.

Another belief indicates that on this day there will be a serious conversation with management, which will entail positive changes and promising events.

On Wednesday

If the lips itch on such a day, then they are trying to remind the person of the importance of the planned activities. Most likely, a major project has not been completed or work responsibilities have not been completed. You should gather your strength and cope with the assigned tasks in the near future.

If you have a meeting with friends, it is better to watch your words. Otherwise, unpleasant gossip will arise later.

On Thursday

As a rule, Thursday does not imply any troubles or negative events. If itching in the mouth area appears on this day, then Friday will give the person pleasant communication and a kiss.

On Friday

If your lips bother you on Friday, then the evening will be spent positively and mentally. There is a high probability of love affairs and increased sexual desire.

For a person in a romantic relationship, itching promises conflicts and disagreements. It is worth trying to minimize quarrels, otherwise the tandem will be filled with mutual discontent.

On Saturday

It is important to spend time with family members and relatives. If the lips of a representative of the fair half of humanity itch, then a new promising acquaintance awaits her.

On Sunday

On this day, this sign promises an excellent mood for the coming week. If the itching appears before lunch, troubles associated with the trip will soon arise. However, they will be positive. If your mouth itches in the evening, then you have a serious conversation with your relatives.

How to avoid negative consequences?

Popular wisdom has provided for actions that can neutralize negative predictions - quarrels, discord and other troubles. This is why signs warn a person to take actions that will help avoid trouble.

How to prevent negative developments:

  • Avoid negativity at all costs. Refrain from serious conversations. Postpone meetings for a few days.
  • Plan your days and avoid getting into unnecessary conflicts.
  • Don't beat yourself up. The more simply you treat warnings, the more likely it is that events will develop in a positive manner. Remember that thought is a material thing, and those who expect negativity receive it.

To believe or not to believe omens is a personal matter for everyone. Don't take them too seriously. But if they help you in relationships with loved ones, loved ones or in work, why not listen. You may be able to take action in time and prevent a negative scenario in your life.

Treatment for vaginal itching

The main method is medication.

Important! Only a gynecologist can prescribe treatment. Without an appropriate prescription, you should not take any measures, as this may aggravate the situation.

Drug treatment for itching of the labia involves taking prescribed medications. When it comes to infectious diseases, most often the doctor prescribes antifungal and antibacterial agents. Usually these are various tablets and suppositories in the vagina.

If we are talking about dysbiosis, then the gynecologist prescribes probiotics and prebiotics, and, if necessary, prescribes a diet.

Important! If the cause of burning in the vagina is an STD, then both partners need to be treated. In this case, antifungal drugs are usually prescribed, as well as a course of antibiotics.

If a burning sensation appears as a result of age-related changes, the gynecologist will recommend a special hygiene cream.

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