Teething in children: symptoms and complications

Timing of teeth appearance. When do teeth start cutting?

Sometimes parents expect that teeth will start cutting in on time, and if this does not happen, they begin to get seriously nervous, because late appearance of teeth can be one of the symptoms of rickets. And the therapist at the appointment can tell you the timing of their appearance for the same reason.

Don’t panic if your child is already 8-9 months old and still has no teeth. In fact, this is only one of many symptoms of such a serious disease that cannot be considered on its own. The process of teething is individual for each child.

The first tooth can appear between 3 and 10 months. And both extreme options are the norm. Only the later appearance of the first tooth can cause some concern in the absence of other external abnormalities.

The average time for teeth to appear can be represented as follows:

  • The 2 lower incisors appear first at 6-8 months of age;
  • all 4 upper incisors grow sequentially in the period from 8 to 12 months;
  • at approximately 10-13 months, the lower lateral incisors appear;
  • the first molars, first the upper and then the lower, are cut at 12-15 months;
  • fangs appear at 18-20 months, also first the upper ones, then the lower ones.

All 20 teeth finally appear by 2.5-3 years. Moreover, if the baby’s teeth began to cut early, then the process may be completed earlier - already by 2 years. If, on the contrary, the first tooth appeared only at 9-10 months, the last ones can appear only at 3-5 years.

After a year, the baby may cut several teeth at the same time, and then this process can be really very painful.

Complications during teething

It is important to monitor the symptoms of a child’s first teeth erupting in order to predict complications. Complications may include:

  • Early teething. The norm is 6 months, but it may be that the child’s teeth begin to erupt at 2 months
  • Too late teething. It is possible that even at 8 months the child has not yet erupted teeth. The consequence of this situation can be edentia - this is the complete or partial absence of teeth in the oral cavity.
  • Incorrect teething sequence
  • Abnormal tooth formation or dental anomalies
  • Tooth growth abnormalities
  • Enamel hypoplasia. It is a lesion of tooth enamel that occurs in children under 10 months of age.
  • Aphthous ulcers or aphthous stomatitis. It is the process of small purulent ulcers appearing in the mouth
  • Gum hematoma. May occur when a blood vessel is damaged

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Teething symptoms

Teething, although a natural process, can cause significant inconvenience. Moreover, the problem, as a rule, does not arise with the first tooth. The lower incisors come out relatively painlessly, but the upper and molars can cause a lot of trouble.

The upper jaw is denser and it is more difficult for teeth to “pierce” it. Molars cause discomfort due to their size.

My son’s first teeth appeared spontaneously, and even the upper incisors erupted quite easily, but then the nightmare began. Almost simultaneously, four teeth began to appear, then two more were added to them, and we learned everything that we had only read about in books before. The child was capricious, refused to eat anything, and could not sleep at night. Only the gum gel saved me, and even then not for long, since it was used strictly according to the instructions in order to avoid complications.

What symptoms can you use to understand that your baby is suffering from teething problems?

  • the child becomes capricious;
  • in the mouth you can notice redness and, as it were, loosening of the gums at the site of tooth eruption;
  • salivation increases;
  • the baby may refuse solid food, his taste preferences may change, he may not eat at all;
  • a slight increase in temperature may be observed - up to 37.7-38 ° C.

Along with redness at the site of tooth growth, in rare cases, a small hematoma or even an abscess may be observed. They pass with his appearance.

If the inflammation is significant, accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, and the baby’s condition worsens, it is better to take him to the dentist, who will treat the site where the tooth appears to prevent the development of infection.

Symptoms and first signs of wisdom tooth growth


The structure of third molars or “eights” is no different from other teeth. Their peculiarity is different. Wisdom teeth erupt much later than others - on average, this occurs at 18-26 years of age. Since the dental system has already been formed by this time, there is not much free space left. The third molar is forced to “conquer” space from its neighbors.

The result is unpleasant sensations and even severe pain. In addition, teething can cause inflammation, against which complications such as abscess, phlegmon, etc. develop. To avoid undesirable consequences, you should know the symptoms and consult a dentist at the first signs of wisdom tooth growth.

Khashchenko Stanislav Sergeevich is a dental surgeon at the Dentoclass clinic.

How does eruption occur and what signs indicate its beginning?

An interesting feature of the “eight” is that it erupts immediately - without preliminary preparation of the gums with a baby tooth. For this reason, the process is much like the growth of teeth in young children. The formed tooth is, as it were, pushed outward, overcoming the resistance of bone and soft tissues. At the same time, the gums swell and become more sensitive. Then a small wound is formed at the site of tooth growth, after which the upper part of the crown appears.

The most common signs of third molar eruption are:

  • mild, but constant aching pain caused by the fact that the “eight” makes its way through bone and soft tissue;
  • redness and swelling of the gums are normal to a small extent, but severe swelling indicates the development of inflammation;
  • discomfort or severe pain when swallowing, as well as when trying to open your mouth wide;
  • enlarged lymph nodes under the jaw due to an increasing inflammatory process;
  • the formation of a hood of soft tissue covering the partially erupted figure eight.

Note! Due to the location of the “eights”, access to them is difficult. This negatively affects the quality of hygiene. As a result, food particles accumulate under the hood, which serve as a breeding ground for the development of pathogens. This is how pericoronitis begins - the most common complication that occurs when wisdom teeth erupt. If this process is ignored, the inflammation progresses and in the future, hospital treatment may be required to stop it.

Pericoronitis is the most common complication of wisdom tooth eruption.

What can and cannot be done during the eruption of wisdom teeth?

The best thing you can do when you have suspicions about the growth of the “eight” is to consult a dentist. The doctor will perform an examination, recommend anti-inflammatory and painkillers, prescribe an x-ray or an orthopantomogram to assess the position of the tooth in the image and make sure that the latter is growing correctly and is not pressing on the root of the “seven”. Also, if indicated, the dental surgeon can remove the hood. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia and significantly alleviates the patient's condition.

A visit to the clinic is the best solution. But sometimes it happens that the patient for some reason is forced to postpone visiting the doctor. In this case, it is very important to know what you can and cannot do. So:

Can: It is forbidden:
  • rinse your mouth with a warm solution of salt and soda;
  • take a pain reliever.
  • warm the sore spot;
  • apply a compress;
  • apply analgesics to the gums, as this can provoke the formation of ulcers.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in case of severe pain, increased body temperature or general deterioration in health, you should immediately visit the dentist. These conditions indicate the development of serious inflammation that can cause significant harm to the patient's health.

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Myths about teething

Although the appearance of baby teeth can be painful, cause slight inflammation in the mouth and even a slight increase in temperature, it is not a disease.

However, since the antibodies that reach the baby in the mother’s belly are destroyed over time, by six months the baby’s immunity weakens, and the process of teething itself reduces the body’s defenses. This is why other painful conditions may arise during this period, which are very often attributed to the appearance of teeth.

In order not to harm the child, and not to miss the symptoms of another disease during this period, we will dwell in more detail on the main myths about teeth.


As already mentioned, teething can cause minor inflammation and, consequently, an increase in temperature. But if the temperature is above 38.5° C, especially if it rises to 39° C, it is most likely a cold or infection. And this is a reason to see a doctor.

Loose stools

This myth is especially tenacious among the people. It is believed that teething can have a negative impact on bowel function. Your baby's bowel movements may indeed change if he refuses his usual food because of gum pain, but these are usually minor changes. In very rare cases, loose stools may occur due to increased salivation for no more than 72 hours, and at intervals no more than 3-5 times a day.

If your baby suffers from diarrhea, especially accompanied by vomiting, he probably has an infection. This is not surprising, given how many objects (and not always clean ones) are put into the mouth to relieve itching in the gums.

Runny nose

Indeed, sometimes teething is accompanied by a slight runny nose. But nasal discharge should be thin and clear. If their color is yellowish, greenish, they are thick, and the baby’s nose “can’t breathe” - it’s time to see a doctor.


Saliva can also get into the baby's throat, causing coughing and wheezing during sleep. But, as a rule, such phenomena are episodic, and the cough cannot be “chest.” If your baby does experience increased salivation, which can make breathing difficult and cause discomfort during sleep, it is advisable to slightly raise the head of the crib. If the cough does not go away in this case, and is observed constantly while you are awake, you should not attribute the problem to your teeth.


Increased salivation can provoke a response from the child's stomach, but this happens very rarely, and such a phenomenon is a one-time occurrence. If a child vomits more than once, the teeth have nothing to do with it.

Skin rashes

Teeth cannot in any way affect the condition of the skin. The only thing that can happen is a slight irritation in the child’s mouth from the teether or irritation from saliva. Any other manifestations are a reason to contact a dermatologist.


Surprisingly, some believe that teething can cause a disease such as otitis media. Your baby may indeed pull and rub his ears when he is teething, but this is not associated with inflammation. It’s just that the teeth and ears have one nerve center. In this case, there is no reason to give the child medicine or drops.

Other symptoms of inflammation, such as high fever, discharge from the ears, and pain when pressing above the earlobe, may cause concern. Such signs have nothing to do with the appearance of teeth.

Molars in children

Of course, molars in children deserve a separate discussion. Firstly, because parents often confuse which teeth are milk and which are permanent, and secondly, because their eruption causes extremely unpleasant and even painful sensations and is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.

When do molars grow?

Many parents believe that molars are permanent teeth, that is, those that replace milk teeth. But actually it is not. So what kind of teeth does the child have? In fact, molars are divided into permanent and primary teeth. In this case, the order of eruption of molars in children is as follows. At six months, babies begin to notice their first molars. There are four of them, and they are located on the lower and upper parts of the jaw apparatus. At one and a half years, central molars appear, at two and a half, lateral molars. From 5 to 10 years, baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. Until about 25 years of age, the most complex tooth, the “wisdom” tooth, emerges.

What symptoms accompany tooth growth?

Not all parents know how their children’s molars grow, which is why they begin to worry a lot when they notice some unpleasant symptoms. Let's figure out what phenomena accompany tooth growth.

Fever. During the period of teeth growth, children can maintain a temperature of 37–37.5 °C. In some cases it rises to 38 °C. Why is this happening? The fact is that when the gums become swollen, the blood flow increases, and to compensate for the swelling, the body produces biologically active substances, which affects the state of the immune system. As a result, the temperature rises.

General malaise. Very often, when teething, children seem lethargic and tired. This is due to the fact that it is a lot of stress for the body. As a result, the child may have trouble sleeping; babies often become irritable, spit out the pacifier, start sucking their thumbs, and are constantly capricious.

Increased salivation. This is especially observed in young children (aged 5–7 months). At this time, they do not yet independently regulate the amount of saliva in their mouth. A large amount of saliva indicates irritation of the sensitive nerves of the gums, which is completely normal when teeth appear. Over time, with the development of the reflex, the amount of saliva decreases.

Digestive disorder. Teething is often accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and regurgitation. The reason for this is an increase in the amount of liquid the baby drinks during the day.

How can I help you

In order to speed up the teething process, small children can be given special toys. They are usually made in the form of rings. Instead of these items, you can use a regular crust of bread or peeled fresh carrots. Also during this period, it is recommended that the child be given cool drinks, preferably just water. You can distract babies and older children with the help of games, conversations, and fun music. Do not forget that during this period the child needs double affection and special care from the parents. For severe pain, doctors prescribe age-appropriate analgesics. You can apply a clean, soft cloth soaked in cold water to your gums. This is especially useful before bedtime, as this approach will help relieve pain and allow the child to fall asleep.

Brushing our first teeth

Some parents believe that oral hygiene should be started when the baby already has several teeth; until then, there is simply nothing to brush. In fact, there are plaques on the child’s gums. These are small films that can accumulate food debris and be a source of infection. For this reason, dentists recommend starting to brush your teeth before they even appear.

It is not recommended to use a full-fledged toothbrush until the age of two. Oral hygiene can be carried out with a special children's brush, which is placed on your finger, or simply with a small piece of gauze soaked in boiled water.

The child’s mouth needs to be cleaned 1-2 times a day, and after the first teeth appear, special attention should be given to them to prevent the development of caries in the future.

Signs of wisdom teeth erupting

To understand how a wisdom tooth grows, it is enough to remember how children behave when teething. The symptoms that children feel can be safely multiplied several times and spread out over time. Yes, it is painful, long and associated with a variety of dental problems.

The main signs that you have a wisdom tooth coming out are:

  • acute pain in the temporomandibular joint, spreading to the tongue, neck, ear;
  • pain in the jaw when swallowing and trying to open the mouth;
  • pain in the molars on the side where the third molar erupts;
  • redness and swelling of the gums.

Due to the pressure of the figure eight crown on the roots of adjacent teeth and soft tissues, inflammation may begin. It is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and signs of general intoxication: headache, weakness, muscle and joint pain, chills.

It is extremely rare for third molars to erupt at one time. Symptoms may subside and worsen many times on each side. Sometimes the process of germination of wisdom teeth lasts for years.

How to make teething easier

As already mentioned, a special cooling gel and, of course, the main assistant for parents - a teether, can help the baby with teething. There are currently many of the latter, and by the time teeth appear, it is highly advisable to stock up on not one, but several such toys.

The child will most likely choose the teether that he likes.

  • Silicone massagers are softer. If you cool them in the refrigerator before using, you can achieve a cooling effect.
  • Rubber massagers are stiffer, stimulate the gums better and, as a rule, have less relief.

A child with different teeth may prefer different types of teethers. For example, my son actively used silicone with his upper incisors, and regular rubber with his fangs.

Traditional methods to facilitate the teething process

In addition to special devices that are sold in pharmacies, you can help your baby with “folk” remedies:

  • Give a crust of bread to chew if your baby is already eating solid food. The son was gnawing on his favorite treat - children's cookies. The pleasant taste and slight stimulation of the gums helped relieve his condition for a while.
  • If the process is very painful for the baby, and the teether seems unattractive to him, you can let him suck your finger and give him a light massage.
  • You can wipe your gums with a chamomile solution - it will relieve inflammation and promote the healing of small wounds. I brewed chamomile and left it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, then wiped my son’s gums with a gauze swab dipped in the cool infusion.
  • Decoctions of burdock, sage and plantain roots relieve inflammation, which can also be used to lubricate the gums during a massage.
  • Honey will help relieve irritation if the baby is not allergic to bee products. You can wipe your gums, or let them suck on a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger and previously soaked in diluted honey.
  • You can brew soothing tea with lemon balm, mint, and valerian. The main thing is that the baby is not allergic to such herbs, and their concentration is small. Mothers can also drink this tea if the baby is breastfed and does not refuse the breast. This measure will make the baby calmer and make it easier to fall asleep.

Don't forget about the beneficial effects of cold. If your baby already eats fruits and vegetables, you can chill the pieces in the refrigerator and give them to your baby.

And remember that the main thing for a child during the teething period is the affection and care of the mother. Feeling your support and love, the baby will be less capricious and will go through this stage of growing up more easily.

At what age do wisdom teeth appear?

The growth of “eights” begins after 17 years. It is at this age that the crown of the last molar is finally formed, and their roots begin to actively grow. This process can begin a little earlier - at 14-15 years. Also in dentistry, cases have been recorded when a wisdom tooth began to grow at the age of 20-30. The record for the time of eruption of the third molar was set by a man whose teeth erupted at an advanced age - at 94 years of age.

The time of appearance of third molars varies from person to person. Each of the 4 teeth appears independently of each other. The first “eight” may appear at a young age, and the last one - in pre-retirement. It is also possible that wisdom teeth will be bothered by the discomfort characteristic of teething, but will not appear above the surface of the gums.

We know how to treat eights

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