Application of the Vector device in dentistry. Opportunities and advantages in the treatment of periodontitis, periodontal disease, reimplantitis

From this article you will learn:
  • treatment of gums with the Vector device – reviews from a practicing periodontist,
  • Vector device for the treatment of periodontitis – price for 1 tooth for 2021

The article was written by a practicing periodontist.

The Vector device in dentistry is an ultrasonic device for removing dental plaque in dental practice. There are 2 modifications of this device, of which we are interested in the “Vector Paro”, because It is precisely this that is positioned by the manufacturer as an innovative remedy in the treatment of periodontitis. The second device is the “Vector Scaler”, which is no different from conventional ultrasonic scalers used to remove hard dental plaque.

This equipment is manufactured (Germany). In this article we will examine in detail whether the removal of subgingival dental plaque with the Vector device is really so effective. We will also present clinical studies comparing the effectiveness of therapy using the Vector device with the effectiveness of traditional ultrasonic scalers.

What does the Vector Paro device look like?

In the last few years, it has also released a new device called “Vector Paro Pro”. This device combines both “Vector Paro” and “Vector Scaler” in one housing. The latter is even very necessary, because to remove massive supra- and subgingival dental plaque - at stage 1, in any case, we must first use only conventional ultrasonic teeth cleaning (in combination with Air-Flow - for final polishing of teeth).

And only at stage 2 we will move on to the use of the Vector Paro device, designed to remove subgingival dental plaque and finely polish the surface of the teeth roots (in periodontal pockets). And for this we will no longer use ordinary water, which is used during the operation of traditional ultrasonic scalers, but a special polishing liquid, which is a suspension based on hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate.

Operating principle of the device

Vector is a scaler (scaler) - a device for removing tartar;
the principle of its operation is based on the action of ultrasound on hard deposits and soft plaque, while the gums and tooth enamel do not experience any stress due to the use of a liquid medium during operation of the device. Ultrasonic vibrations of a certain frequency destroy dental deposits and microbial biofilm, gentle polishing of tooth enamel occurs, and at the same time the remaining contaminants are washed away. After removing hard deposits and microbes, the condition of the gums is restored and inflammation goes away. The Vector device is a modern ultrasound system, improved compared to traditional ultrasound machines. The frequency of the ultrasonic waves of the device is 25 kHz, and their movement is not multidirectional, as in other devices, but is directed parallel to the long axis of the tooth (hence the name of the device - “vector” - bearing the direction). This feature is realized thanks to the tip with a resonant ring.

There are two types of devices: Vector Scaler - a device with a regular tip, and Vector Paro - in addition to the usual scaler tip, the kit includes an innovative Paro tip, which allows you to work not only with water, but also with polishing liquid. When using the Paro tip, linear vibrations are created, located vertically to the longitudinal axis of the instrument, the liquid flows in a pulsating stream.

Due to the parallel direction of the ultrasonic wave, when removing bacteria and plaque from the surface, the roots of the teeth do not experience unwanted stress.

The device is supplied with Vector Fluid Polish, a set of tools and attachments, a container for sterilization, and a set of tools for servicing the device.

Before starting the procedure, a special treatment mixture is applied to the nozzle, which contains particles of hydroxyapatite (calcium, similar in composition to enamel). The mixture also includes antiseptic bactericidal components that promote gum healing.

How does the treatment work?

The procedure is performed using a Vector Fluid Polish suspension containing polishing particles. Also, when operating the device, a special substance is used - hydroxyapatite. It has antibacterial properties and promotes healing.

Before starting treatment of periodontal disease with the Vector device, the doctor refers the patient to an orthopantomogram. Then the dentist uses the device to treat the periodontal canals, subgingival and supragingival spaces, clearing them of various deposits and pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the device does not directly contact the tooth surface (ultrasound affects tissue through liquid).

The impact on the upper and lower jaws is carried out simultaneously. When treating vestibular surfaces, straight nozzles are used, and curved nozzles are used in bifurcation zones and hard-to-reach places.

Typically, the fight against periodontitis requires several sessions: primary and secondary. For primary vectoring, metal nozzles are used, and for repeated vectoring, softer carborundum ones are used. If repeated treatment is performed with the Vector device, prices will be lower. In addition, processing will take less time.

Advantages of treatment with the Vector device

Compared to traditional ultrasonic scalers, the Vector device has the following advantages:

  • Due to the fact that the working nozzle makes vertical movements, the possibility of mechanical damage to tooth enamel, root cement or orthopedic structures is eliminated.
  • The orderliness of ultrasonic vibrations promotes deeper penetration of ultrasound and better cleaning. A traditional ultrasonic device is capable of treating at a depth of up to 5 mm, while the Vector is capable of treating at a depth of up to 11 mm.
  • Ultrasonic energy is supplied to the surface being treated through a hydroshell. This provides a gentle effect on the tissue and eliminates the possibility of overheating the tooth.
  • The liquid through which ultrasonic energy is transmitted contains hydroxyapatite particles, which facilitate the process of removing subgingival deposits and polishing the enamel. Hydroxyapatite also stimulates the restoration of periodontal tissue;

  • The Vector apparatus does not have self-oscillations or chaotic beatings inherent in conventional scalers, thanks to which the dentist can carry out treatment with a clear sequence.
  • Better visibility of the treated areas is provided by six LED lamps on the tip.
  • During operation, the Vector does not create an aerosol cloud, like other scalers, which means that there is no risk of infection of medical personnel.
  • The availability of tools for primary periodontal therapy makes the dentist’s work easier; vector-06-initial-operation
  • Special tools for treating the surface of implants help prevent the development of peri-implantitis.
  • A variety of replaceable attachments makes it possible to treat deep periodontal pockets.
  • When treated with the device, discomfort in patients is minimized.
  • High hygiene, the ability to disinfect any parts of the device.
  • Ease of use and effectiveness of treatment reduce the time of the procedure and eliminate the possibility of medical errors.
  • The treatment course consists of 1-2 sessions, subsequently only maintenance therapy is needed.

  • After treatment, a lasting positive effect develops.

The device is equipped with a large number of attachments, which allows for effective treatment in most clinical cases. Antibacterial safety is ensured by a completely autonomous water capacity and the tightness of the device.

The maximum depth of pocket processing using the vector reaches 11 mm, versus 5 mm for other equipment.

For maintenance therapy, the Vector system is equipped with probes and prophylactic curettes made of flexible plastic and carbon fiber . This significantly reduces the risk of root surface damage or accidental periodontal injury.

It is also important that the device has a built-in function for monitoring the condition of the polished surface and can “distinguish” the roots of the teeth from the formations on them, this allows you to avoid the loss of tooth tissue during the procedure.

How does vector therapy differ from other methods?

Ultrasonic treatment is widely used in dentistry. Traditional methods give good results. However, the use of Vector equipment is superior to the classical treatment approach in many cases. Important differences can be considered:

  • A combined approach to canal cleaning. Ultrasound destroys deposits, and hydroxyapatite gently cleans and polishes the surface of the tooth root. This combination makes the procedure more effective and helps reduce sensitivity.
  • Vertical processing. When using vector therapy, the tooth is processed parallel to its plane. On the one hand, exposure at this angle ensures high efficiency in cleaning periodontal pockets. On the other hand, it is completely safe for the tooth root, which is very important.

Effects after treatment with the Vector device

What does the patient receive after the procedure:

  • Gum inflammation is eliminated.
  • Normal blood circulation in tissues is restored.
  • Regeneration processes are accelerated.
  • Gums acquire a healthy color.
  • Eliminates bad breath.
  • The depth of periodontal pockets decreases.
  • Mobility of teeth decreases.
  • Bleeding gums disappear.


Treatment of periodontitis is complex. It takes a lot of time. After Vector-therapy, a course of maintenance therapy is carried out for one to one and a half months. However, the first signs of improvement will be noticeable immediately after the procedure:

  • Reduced bleeding. Bleeding is one of the symptoms of gum disease. Since ultrasound allows you to remove affected tissue and kills microorganisms, bleeding is reduced in the first days after the procedure.
  • Reduced tooth mobility. One of the problems associated with periodontal disease is loosening of teeth, which can lead to their complete loss. During the procedure, the doctor cleans the periodontal pockets. Thanks to this, the gums begin to fit more tightly to the tooth and gradually become stronger. As a result, teeth become less loose, and tooth mobility is often reduced.

Indications for treatment with the Vector device

  • Periodontitis of varying degrees.
  • Periodontal disease (as determined by the doctor).
  • Gingivitis, including in pregnant women.
  • Prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis.
  • Installed braces.
  • Supportive treatment for periodontal diseases concomitant with systemic diseases (endocrine, cardiovascular pathologies).
  • Planned hygienic oral care for the prevention of periodontal diseases.
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity before dental treatment, implantation, in women - when planning pregnancy.

If Vector Fluid Abrasive with abrasive particles of silicon carbide is used instead of Vector Fluid Polish, the Vector device is used for minimally invasive preparation of carious cavities and treatment of artificial teeth.

Treatment of periodontitis with a device vector

Treatment for a disease such as periodontitis differs depending on its stage.

At the initial stage of periodontitis (pocket depth up to 3.5 mm), treatment is carried out conservatively (therapeutically) with the help of medications, which are prescribed in the form of tablets and injections, and hygienic cleanings.

For periodontitis of moderate severity (pocket depth up to 5 mm) , root cleaning is carried out using closed curettage of the pockets (mechanically, with a special tool).

In severe stages of the disease , it is no longer possible to clean the roots of the teeth without opening the pocket, so a patchwork operation is performed, the gums are folded back, and the roots of the teeth are cleaned openly from bacterial plaque and polished. After the operation, the gums are sutured.

Obviously, closed curettage and especially flap surgery are unpleasant procedures, and the postoperative period is long and unpleasant.

An alternative method of treating periodontitis is to clean the pockets with a vector device. It is characterized by minimal tissue trauma during surgery and the absence of a postoperative period. After such cleaning, the patient leaves the clinic “to go about his business” and after a few hours already forgets about it.

The Vector device significantly increases the speed and effectiveness of disease treatment. Its effect stops the pathological process in all tissues surrounding the tooth. Patients get rid of pain and discomfort, gum bleeding stops, bad breath disappears, inflammatory processes are relieved, and periodontal condition noticeably improves. With all the advantages, the treatment is comfortable .

Let us mention another modern method of treating periodontitis - using a laser and a photosensitizer.


The general scheme of hardware therapy is as follows: the doctor performs topical anesthesia (treats the gums with a external anesthetic), then inserts the working tip under the edge of the gum (without opening it), turns on the device and begins treatment. Directed ultrasound breaks tartar into small particles, which are washed away with a solution supplied under pressure. If the patient has a large accumulation of tartar, then before hardware therapy, preparatory manipulations are carried out: removing the bulk of the dirt with an ultrasonic scaler, then antibacterial therapy, and only after that the doctor uses Vector. If a patient has a significant accumulation of tartar in the subgingival zone, even the most experienced doctor will not be able to remove more than 95% of its mass. This is due to the fact that treatment with the hardware method does not involve opening the gums, so the treatment is carried out without visual control. In this regard, if there is excessive accumulation of stone, periodontists recommend using the method of open curettage or patch surgery to clean subgingival pockets. You can read more about this in other articles on our site.

Note: the branches of the “Smile” clinic employ highly qualified periodontal surgeons, so they will be able to cure periodontal diseases, regardless of the severity of the clinical case.

Treatment of periodontal disease using the Vector device

Periodontal disease is a systemic disease of the body , so the dentist performs only his part of the complex treatment.

It is important to correctly diagnose this disease; many patients confuse it with periodontitis due to some similarity of symptoms and may consult a dentist, although the root causes of periodontal disease may be:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Diseases of bone tissue,
  • Hypertension,
  • Disturbances in the dental system, etc.

The vector apparatus kit is equipped with the necessary attachments for cleaning and polishing the roots of teeth. The procedure itself is generally similar to the procedure for treating periodontal tissue in the treatment of periodontitis.

Treatment of reimplantitis with the vector device

Reimplantitis is a process that can occur in the dental tissues located next to the implant. Although the implant is not an organic structure, and the tooth is an organic structure, the nature of the occurrence of reimplantitis is similar to the nature of the occurrence of periodontitis.

The main “culprit” of reimplantitis is bacterial plaque, which accumulates on the part of the implant that rises above the bone. Plaque provokes inflammation of the tissues around the implant and can cause its rejection.

The occurrence or non-occurrence of plaque depends on the design of the implant, the volume of the gum, the quality of installation and the individual characteristics of the body. If plaque does occur, it must be removed.

The ultrasonic wave generated by the Vector device perfectly removes plaque, bacteria and biofilms from the surfaces of implants, stopping the development of peri-implantitis and without damaging the implants and superstructures themselves.

The success of periodontal treatment is due, among other things, to regular pocket cleanings and other measures that are repeated at certain intervals. This is especially important during maintenance therapy in the treatment of periodontitis.

Regular cleaning of pockets and removal of bacterial plaque from the roots of teeth or implants turns this procedure into an analogue of professional hygienic cleaning.


Traditionally, there are contraindications to the use of ultrasound in the treatment of periodontal diseases such as a tendency to bleeding, acute processes in the periodontium. The use of Vector has no such restrictions. Treatment with the device cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • Installed pacemaker;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of Vector Fluid Polish;
  • Malignant tumors in the oral cavity;
  • Acute infectious diseases.

The gentle effect of the Vector device and the possibility of using it even in an acute period give the device advantages when choosing a method of treating periodontal diseases. If treatment with the device is started in a timely manner, in many cases it is possible to avoid surgical intervention.

Cost of gum treatment with the Vector device

The cost of the procedure depends on the number of teeth being treated. The price list identifies the following areas for teeth (implants): segment, one jaw, oral cavity.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of teeth being treated and the condition of the periodontium and takes from thirty minutes to two hours.

The greatest contribution to the cost of the procedure is made by: preparation for the procedure - 30 minutes; consumables , polishing fluid ; procedure - 30-120 minutes; instrument sterilization - 30 min. Therefore, the price difference between treating one tooth and the entire oral cavity is only 50%.

Below is the cost of the Vector procedure in Dental World dentistry.

Signs of developing gum disease:

Periodontal disease is usually not accompanied by pain and progresses slowly; a person may not even be aware of the development of periodontitis.

If you notice one of the following signs, see a periodontist, this will help you prevent the development of periodontitis in a timely manner:

  • Gums bleed when brushing teeth;
  • The gums are red, swollen, painfully sensitive;
  • The gums recede, exposing the roots of the tooth, the teeth appear longer;
  • Constantly bad breath;
  • Discharge of pus between teeth and gums;
  • Mobility of teeth.

The ability to save teeth with affected periodontal disease is the very first and natural question on the part of the patient and the most difficult for the specialist.

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