Fixing dentures - choosing a means of fixation

Indications Installation on your teeth Materials Installation on implants What to do if the crown comes off?
How important is fixation of the tooth crown and what types of fixation are used?

In modern dentistry, preserving natural teeth is considered the most important task. For this purpose, various therapeutic and even surgical treatment methods are used. The installation of artificial crowns can be an independent method, for example, if pathological abrasion of the enamel is observed, or as part of treatment. This happens during endodontic intervention. The pulp (nerve) is removed from the tooth, it becomes brittle, and a crown is used to protect the tooth from destruction.


Indications for restoration:

  • significant destruction of the coronal part;
  • installation of bridges;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • depulpation;
  • injuries.

Crowns are made of metal, ceramics and metal-ceramics. Porcelain and plastic crowns are practically not used due to their fragility. Modern materials are particularly durable and wear-resistant. They are designed for long-term use. But the service life, as well as the convenience of the crown, also depends on how well it fits and how firmly it is secured.

Causes of crown loss

Several factors can provoke an unpleasant situation associated with dental crowns. They depend both on the actions of the doctor and on the actions of the patient.

  • Low quality materials and cement.
  • Violation of the manufacturing technique of an orthopedic structure.
  • Mistakes at the stage of preparation for prosthetics.
  • Development of the inflammatory process under the crown.
  • End of service life of the structure.
  • Mechanical injury.

The permanent crown is fixed with dental cement and lasts for several years. If the doctor did everything correctly at the preparation stage, then the structure retains its tightness and strength for a long time, and it should not fall out. This can happen due to the development of caries, which appears due to irregular or improper oral hygiene. Therefore, it is so important not to skip brushing your teeth and use additional hygiene products. And also undergo professional oral hygiene at a dental clinic once every six months.

Fixation of dental crowns

At certain stages of orthopedic treatment there is a need to use temporary crowns. In such cases, temporary fixation of crowns with special cement or artificial resin is used. The main feature of these materials is that the temporary structure can be removed without difficulty. Adhesive materials are easy to clean and leave no residue.

There are two types of permanent fixation of crowns in dentistry: cement and screw. With the development of implantology, they began to separate fixation on their teeth and on implants.

Cream "Korega"

Products from an Irish manufacturer. Provides convenience and comfort throughout the entire period of use, effectively prevents displacement of the prosthesis and allows you to lead a full life without embarrassment and awkwardness.

The composition has many advantages:

  • convenient packaging with dispenser;
  • dense consistency, most convenient for application and uniform distribution;
  • ensures a tight fit and prevents food from getting under the dentures, thereby counteracting infections and bad breath;
  • innovative formula without zinc;
  • several release options to choose from, including in the form of a cream with a refreshing effect;
  • neutral taste, does not change the taste properties of food;
  • guarantee of stable fixation for 12 hours;
  • when hardened, it takes on a gum shade that is as close as possible to the natural shade.

Before using the cream, the denture should be thoroughly cleaned; the manufacturer produces cleaning tablets specifically for this purpose.

Installing a crown on your teeth

No matter how badly a tooth is damaged, as long as it has a root, it can be restored. How exactly the restoration is carried out depends on the degree of tooth decay. In case of minor damage, the unit is prepared - the top layer equal to the thickness of the crown is removed. Metal-ceramic crowns consist of 2 layers: metal and ceramic, so they require the deepest preparation. Ceramic crowns are thinner and remove a small layer of hard tissue. Zirconium crowns are thin and require minimal layer removal.

If the upper part is destroyed by 50% or more, then the crown is fixed with a pin. A fiberglass rod is inserted into the canal to serve as a support for the restoration.

The main components of creams that provide fixation

Almost all creams for fixing removable dentures have a similar composition, differing only in some components. For example, substances of natural origin (plant and/or animal) may be added to them. Many manufacturers add aromatic ingredients to improve the taste of the product and ensure freshness in the mouth.

It is important to know! For people prone to allergic reactions, it is better to purchase creams for attaching dentures that have a neutral, hypoallergenic composition. Some manufacturers produce different series of products that allow you to choose the best option. Pay attention to flavoring additives - most often it is mint, eucalyptus, less often - citrus fruits and even chocolate.

Many creams that provide reliable fixation of removable dental structures contain zinc. Its presence allows you to achieve the most durable adhesion of surfaces. And at the same time, it has an excellent wound-healing effect - useful if new teeth are chafed. Many people are afraid to use products with zinc. However, its negative effect on the body occurs mainly in case of ingestion. Therefore, it is important to use this drug correctly: apply only once a day and in small quantities.


After preparing the surface, the orthopedist makes an impression of the jaws, from which a crown is stamped or cast in the laboratory. Manufacturing takes several days. Before installing the structure, they carry out fittings - check how it fits and whether there are any defects. The crown may be too wide, narrow, or high. Fitting helps to notice shortcomings and eliminate them.

The restoration is first placed with temporary cement. The patient is given the opportunity to get used to a foreign object in the mouth, to understand whether the height is disturbing or whether the edge is cutting the gum. Only after this the structure is installed on permanent cement.

  • Before fixation, the crown is treated with a special solution, degreased and dried.
  • Next, the tooth is treated with an antiseptic, and the remaining moisture is removed with ether or air. In some cases, gum retraction is performed with a thread to clearly mark the junction of the artificial crown and hard tissue.
  • The components for cement are mixed on a sterile plate.
  • A thin layer of cement is placed inside the restoration and placed over the tooth.
  • Excess is removed. The patient is asked to sit with his teeth closed. Then clean the surfaces again and rinse your mouth with a special solution. This completes the orthopedist’s work.

Fixing cream "Protefix"

A German-made product with a dense consistency and easy application. It has a number of important advantages:

  • ease of application due to high viscosity;
  • absence of harmful chemical components, dyes and fragrances in the composition;
  • does not change the taste of food and drinks;
  • economical use of funds;
  • guaranteed stable fixation for 12 hours;
  • immunity to salivation;
  • fast adhesion time - it only takes 5 minutes to secure the prosthesis in the mouth;
  • antiseptic effect.

The drug has almost no contraindications and can be used for both permanent removable systems and temporary ones.

Materials for fixing crowns

Cement for fastening restorations must perform 2 main functions: securely fix the crown and fill the microgaps between it and the dentin. Several types of fixing materials are used in dentistry:

  • Glass ionomer cements
    (GIC). They are good because they have anti-caries properties and are not afraid of micro-leaks. Used for structures made of metal, with a metal base and ceramic.
  • Glass ionomer cements modified with composite
    (GICMC). Easy to use and very durable, such materials are used for restorations made of metal, zirconium, and lithium disilicate.
  • Composite
    . The most modern materials. They produce cements that harden as a result of a chemical reaction, light radiation and double curing. Suitable for fixing metal-ceramic, zirconium, ceramic, and lithium disilicate crowns.

All these groups are divided into numerous subgroups and the doctor selects the material for fastening based on the geometry of the tooth, crown material, and clinical case.

Dental cements have been used for a long time, they are well studied, application methods have been worked out and are simple in nature. These materials reliably fix restorations and can serve for a long time.

The disadvantages of cements are that mixing is done by hand and errors in proportions are possible. This leads to de-cementing. Excess acids negatively affect the condition of dentin.

Cream for fixing dentures “President Garant”

This is an Italian-made product, comes in a standard tube, is easy to apply, fills all gaps and voids, ensuring the tightest possible fit.

Other benefits:

  • securely fixes structures for up to 36 hours - an ideal solution for trips, business trips and lengthy events;
  • Available in two types: neutral and mint flavor;
  • protects soft tissues from chafing;
  • the presence of natural plant extracts in the composition;
  • compatible with any prosthetic structures;
  • no side effects;
  • simple and quick installation.

President Garant fixation cream is not destroyed by any food or drink, which ensures guaranteed fixation of the denture

Most popular creams have similar composition and qualities. However, when choosing an adhesive, you should be guided by the dentist's recommendations, this guarantees strong fixation and safe use, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Prosthetics on implants

Crowns are secured to implants in 2 ways: with cement or a screw

. This depends, first of all, on the type of implantation and the implant models that are used. But anatomical features and clinical manifestations play a big role.

Cement fixation of crowns on implants has its pros and cons. The process of attaching a restoration to an implant using cement is not much different from prosthetics on natural teeth. It is simple, well studied, and allows fixation in complex cases where a screw fixation would require enormous effort and skill.

The disadvantages include the possibility of peri-implantitis, which can be caused by excess cement. When using cement, the crown cannot be repaired, only replaced.

Screw fixation of crowns to the implant prevents cement from getting on the tissue. There is a possibility of repair and correction. The results of joining metal to metal without a cement layer are better. The single design of abutment and crown reduces the risk of infection.

However, the fitting of a screw-fixed prosthesis is more delicate, requires certain skills, and the price of designs with screws is higher.

This is why choosing a doctor is so important. A qualified implantologist takes into account dozens of details before choosing an implantation method, which determines whether the crown will be screw-fixed or cemented, and an experienced orthopedist knows how to work with both.

Why do we need fixing agents for dentures?

Cream for dentures provides not only reliable fastening of the product in the oral cavity. At the same time it performs the following functions:

  • accelerates adaptation to the design, since it eliminates chafing of the mucous membrane,
  • prevents the accumulation of food masses between the product and the gums, because adheres to the mucous membrane more tightly,
  • provides protection of the mucous membrane from the mechanical impact of the prosthetic structure - you will experience less pain and discomfort, both at rest and when eating,
  • prevents gum inflammation (some products contain anti-inflammatory components),
  • Gives freshness to your breath thanks to the additives included in the composition (not all).

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"Protefix" (Germany)

Among the positive properties of the popular cream for fixing dentures, Protefix (“Protefix”), we can note: economical consumption, excellent adhesion, dense structure that limits the penetration of food. The manufacturer has released three types of “Protefix”: without coloring and aromatic components (suitable for allergy sufferers), with mint, and with aloe. The product deservedly receives positive reviews from users due to its affordable price (about 200 rubles) and the possibility of use for increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Among the disadvantages, users note the inconvenience of the dispenser and the weakening of the fixation under the influence of hot food.

"President" (Italy)

Fixing cream for dentures PresiDENT (“President”) creates a dense layer under the structure that prevents particles of food mass from entering. The manufacturer assures that the effect of the product lasts throughout the day and can reach 36 hours. The absence of allergies, economical consumption, low cost (within 250 rubles) and high quality of the composition allow it to occupy a high position in the TOP of means for retaining removable structures. However, many people are faced with the fact that they cannot buy this product in all pharmacy chains.

Features of prosthesis care

The presence of a prosthesis-fixing material does not relieve the patient from the procedure of daily cleaning of the dental structure. The effect of adhesive materials is calculated from several hours to one day.

In the morning and evening, the denture should be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned with a special soft brush. Experts recommend not using toothpastes with abrasives when brushing. Even if your denture is made of high-quality ceramic, harsh cleaning particles can damage it with daily use. Remains of fixing cream or powder can be easily removed using regular children's toothpaste. For those who prefer the best protection of their prosthesis from germs and dirt, there are specially designed tablets. They are dissolved in a glass of water where the prosthetic device is placed and left overnight for a cleansing effect.

You don’t have to endure the discomfort of a prosthetic device alone—contact your dentist at the slightest sign of chafing or pain. The prosthetic device itself can be subject to correction, its functional qualities can be adapted individually to the patient. And then the period of adjustment will become easy and pleasant for you, and fixing drugs will help you adapt even faster to your new life with new teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

The demand for GIC in dentistry is due to a number of objective advantages, which include:

  • High adhesiveness when interacting with the structure of dental tissue. The material does not require pre-etching with acid, and is effective even if moisture is maintained in the preparation area.
  • Strong connection with composite materials used for filling;
  • Long-term preservation of anti-corrosion activity due to the fluoride content;
  • Formation of an elastic structure that can withstand mechanical loads arising during chewing;
  • Thermal expansion close to the dental tissue, eliminating the possibility of violation of the marginal seal.

Among the shortcomings noted by experts, it is worth highlighting:

  • Sensitivity to moisture during polymerization - contact with liquid reduces the content of aluminum ions, disrupting the structure of the cement composition;
  • Failures in the hardening process due to excessive dryness, the consequences of which are increased sensitivity in the postoperative period;
  • Vulnerability to mechanical stress during curing, not only to traditional load, but also to vibration that occurs when using a drill.

However, similar disadvantages are also characteristic of other cement compositions, including those that cannot provide the indicated advantages.

Mode of application

The use of glass ionomer cement when installing artificial crowns depends on the material of their manufacture, and requires compliance with the protocol. The process involves three successive stages:

  • Preliminary preparation of the tooth - preparation, washing, drying and swab treatment;
  • Mixing cement - combining the specified proportions of powder and liquid;
  • Fixation of an artificial crown - applying a layer of cement to the base and planting the replacement structure with moderate pressure.

It is important to note that, depending on the brand of cement used, the working time with the composition changes, as well as the temperature conditions that ensure its optimal characteristics. Increasing the temperature reduces the setting time. It is recommended to take care in advance to maintain the thermal level. Polymerization of the composition occurs gradually - at the moment when the cement structure acquires the characteristic “rubber” effect, excess should be removed from the working surface.

Glass ionomer cements are biologically compatible with dental tissue and, as a rule, do not cause allergic reactions in patients. If side effects are detected, it is recommended to immediately contact the clinic for a re-examination.

How to use the composition correctly

Fixation cream must be used according to the instructions. The general rules are the following:

  • the product is applied to the prosthesis from the inside, only on the lines intended for this purpose and in a small amount (if there is a lot of it, the fixation strength weakens). The recommended volume is usually indicated in the instructions, and the most optimal for a particular person is established experimentally,
  • strong creams for dentures containing zinc should not be applied more than once a day - the risk of neurological disorders increases,
  • the structure must be clean: before applying the fixing composition, it should be washed with warm water (if necessary, ordinary soap can be used) and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth,
  • After removing the removable denture, the fixing cream must be removed: to clean the structure from residual composition, use a toothbrush with extra soft bristles and toothpaste intended for small children (due to their low abrasiveness, such pastes do not damage the surface of the product).

On a note! If, when removing the structure before going to bed, it turns out that it is securely fastened, it is permissible to leave it until the morning. Next time, the amount of composition applied should be reduced.

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