What is the best way to treat herpes: effective ointments and tablets for herpes infection

Modern pharmaceutical consulting is not only a test of professional knowledge, but also a real test of the character of the leader. Many buyers are confident that they have a good understanding of medications, and from this position they communicate with a pharmacist or pharmacist. At the same time, they can take antibiotics “to prevent ARVI” or retell the most sophisticated advice from popular TV presenters. In such a situation, the chief administrator should, on the one hand, dispense the required over-the-counter drugs, on the other hand, warn the person about the danger of his misconceptions regarding drugs, and on the third, not take on the role of a doctor and not make a diagnosis based on symptoms. Confusion and misunderstanding can arise even over something as simple as a seasonal problem like orolabial herpes. Our “cheat sheets” are intended to help the pharmacist communicate with the client on this topic. With the season of winter infectious exacerbations on the rise, let’s remember once again what most often worries customers with requests for remedies for “colds on the lips.”

How to get rid of herpes: the most effective ointments.

June 30, 2022



  • Which ointment for herpes to choose
  • Herpes symptoms
  • How to treat herpes
  • The best ointments for herpes
  • Oksolin
  • Herpferon
  • Zovirax
  • Fenistil Pencivir
  • Panavir-gel
  • Erazaban
  • Herperax
  • Alpizarin

We are sure that everyone has had herpes (popularly known as a cold on the lips) at least once in their life. Moreover, almost 100% of the world's population has the herpes virus in their bodies. But for the majority, it seems to be “dormant,” and as soon as the immune system weakens, the body becomes hypothermic, or the time comes for seasonal ARVI, herpes becomes more active. Moreover, sores on the lips are the most harmless version of herpes.

Based on the recommendations of doctors, we have compiled a list of effective and safe ointments for the quick treatment of herpes on the lips. But you need to understand that any remedy for herpes has contraindications, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before treatment.

Provocateurs of herpes infection

Colds on the lips rarely have an acute form; a chronic course of the disease is much more common. According to WHO, approximately 70% of people around the world are infected with the herpes simplex virus and about 10-20% of patients experience various symptoms of herpes infection. Exacerbations of chronic herpes occur for a number of reasons. The main factors that lead to relapse are emotional and physical stress, hypothermia, sexual intercourse, menstruation in women, concomitant diseases (ARVI, including influenza), ultraviolet radiation and others.

Which ointment for herpes to choose

There are many drugs for herpes in the pharmacy, although they all have the same active ingredient - acyclovir (or its more modern analogues). But it is worth considering that ointments for herpes, even with the same active substance, can act on the body differently, because a lot depends on the quality of purification of this substance. If you have herpes on your lips and are planning to buy ointment, consider the following parameters:

  1. Age.
    Each active substance has its own parameters according to the age from which it is allowed to be used. Acyclovir, for example, is contraindicated under 18 years of age. Penciclovir can be used from the age of 16; a doctor can prescribe valacyclovir from the age of 12.
  2. Tendency to allergies.
    In addition to the main active ingredient, auxiliary agents (preservatives, dyes, flavors) are also added to the preparations. These components can cause allergic reactions with unpredictable manifestations. Before using ointment for herpes (especially on the face or intimate area), do a skin test on your wrist and see how it reacts.

Do not forget that many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But there is one drug for herpes that can be used during these periods - Gevisosh .

, the active substance of which is epervudine.

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Germany

An antiviral agent that is active against the Herpes simplex virus and herpes zoster virus.
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Treatment with immunomodulators, prevention of herpes –

If you have a high frequency of relapses of herpes, or even rare, but severe outbreaks, it is very important for you to take up the prevention of outbreaks of herpes. And the point here is not only that the severe course of a herpetic infection and/or its frequent relapses themselves indicate problems with your immunity. The fact is that the herpes virus has an immunosuppressive effect on the entire immune system - both cellular and humoral immunity.

This means that the immune system under the influence of the herpes virus will continue to weaken, leading to a further increase in the frequency of relapses and the severity of outbreaks. At the moment, there are the following directions for preventing outbreaks of the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1, HSV-2), but you should choose one or another method only after consulting a doctor. All patients with a frequency of outbreaks of more than 6 during the year must be tested for the number of specific IgG and IgM antibodies to the herpes simplex virus, as well as consult an immunologist and have an immunogram (which evaluates the subpopulation composition of cells, NK activity, and also the levels of α- and γ-interferons).

Prevention methods:

  1. Prolonged use of antiviral drugs - in this case, Acyclovir tablets are prescribed 400 mg 2 times a day (but we do not recommend this option, since the use of acyclovir in patients with weakened immune systems very often leads to the development of resistance of the herpes virus to acyclovir ).
    A preventive course of drugs from the list below should last about 9-12 months, and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The drug "Valacyclovir" - 500 mg 1 time per day (but for patients with a relapse rate of more than 9 times a year - 500 mg 2 times a day). The drug "Famciclovir" - 250 mg 2 times a day. Studies show that the preventive effect is more pronounced with Valacyclovir, but cross-resistance must also be taken into account (since if the herpes virus is resistant to acyclovir, it will also be resistant to valacyclovir).
  2. Immunocorrective therapy – the immune system can be improved with special drugs “immunomodulators”. There are several drugs that have proven effective in preventing relapses of herpes, and for which this indication for use is directly stated in the instructions. The use of immunostimulating drugs allows - 1) to reduce the frequency of relapses by about 40-50%, 2) to reduce the duration of each outbreak, for example, complete healing will occur faster by about 2-3 days than usual.
    Good drugs, the instructions for which specifically indicate “as part of the complex therapy of herpetic infection” are over-the-counter tablet drugs “Cycloferon”, “Polyoxidonium”, “Licopid” (you can look at the official instructions for treatment regimens). The first two drugs also have a release form as an injection solution, but this is only by prescription. By the way, Cycloferon, in addition to stimulating the immune system, also has its own antiviral activity against the herpes simplex virus (24stoma).

    Accordingly, if the patient has active manifestations of herpes, and the immunomodulator is used as part of complex therapy for herpes infection (together with antiviral drugs), Cycloferon will be the optimal choice. And, by the way, it can be used from 4 years old. If you use an immunomodulator between herpes outbreaks, i.e. in the absence of clinical manifestations, it is better to choose “Likopid” or “Polyoxidonium” (they can be used from 3 years of age).

    Likopid" can be in tablets of 1 and 10 mg (tablets of 10 mg can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, and tablets of 1 mg are available over the counter). Recommended use of Likopid 1 mg for adults – 2 tablets 3 times a day (orally or sublingually), course of treatment is 10 days. Scheme of use of Likopid 10 mg tablet for adults - 1 tablet 1 time per day, course of treatment for 6 days. For children over 3 years old, Likopid 1 mg tablets can be prescribed, and the regimen is as follows - 1 tablet 3 times a day (orally or sublingually), for a total of 10 days.

Important: taking immunomodulators is indicated not only for the prevention of relapses of herpes infection - in patients who are often and/or seriously ill with herpes. Immunomodulators should be used as part of the basic therapy of herpes infections (in addition to therapy with antiviral drugs) in patients with weakened immune systems.

Moreover, if the immunomodulator is used during an exacerbation of herpes, then it is best to use Cycloferon, because it also has a direct antiviral effect on the herpes simplex virus. If we are talking about taking immunomodulators in the period between outbreaks, then you can use Lykopid or Polyoxidonium. In the next section we will talk about the Vitagerpavac vaccine, which is nothing more than a real herpes vaccine.

Herpes symptoms

The herpes virus has several types. The most common type 1 herpes virus occurs - it usually appears on the upper half of the body (face, hands). The second type of herpes virus is genital. How does the herpes virus manifest itself:

  • burning and tingling in those places where bubbles with liquid will later appear;
  • wounds form in place of the bubbles;
  • Sometimes with herpes, fever, swollen lymph nodes or sore throat are possible.

Well, since the virus does not disappear from the body, you need to be prepared for relapses as soon as the immune system weakens.

Forms of herpetic infection

There are several forms of herpes infection. The bullous form of herpes is characterized by the appearance of blisters that can reach the size of a plum. The abortive form occurs without the formation of a blistering rash, and at the site of the lesion there is swelling and small cone-shaped elevations above the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. The most severe forms of herpes are ulcerative, ulcerative-necrotic and gangrenous. They are characterized by the appearance of vesicles with hemorrhagic contents, the appearance of long-term non-healing deep ulcers that leave scars. The development of the gangrenous form occurs in people weakened by any diseases, as well as in elderly patients with gastric ulcers, diabetes mellitus and other concomitant pathologies.

How to treat herpes

Herpes can go away on its own, without any treatment, but if the wounds do not go away for a long time or they are large, you will have to use some medications.

  1. Antiviral agents.
    Similar drugs against herpes come in tablets and ointments with an analgesic effect. The active ingredient in herpes medications is acyclovir and its analogues, which block the DNA of the virus and stop its reproduction. But medications for herpes are still unable to cure it completely.
  2. Ointments for wound healing.
    The most popular wound healing ointments today are based on panthenol (vitamin B5). Such ointments for herpes are used as soon as the blisters have opened to speed up the healing process of wounds.
  3. Drying agents.
    Among the most famous and accessible ointments with a drying effect is zinc ointment, which, among other things, relieves inflammation and is a good antiseptic. By the way, for herpes you can use several remedies from these three groups at once, but before that you need to consult a doctor.

The best ointments for herpes

Our rating includes the most effective ointments for herpes, which are often prescribed by doctors. From accessible, cheap to more expensive, but equally helpful. Choose any one after consulting with your doctor, and remember this important advice: the sooner you start treatment, at the very first symptoms, the faster the herpes will go away.

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This antiviral non-hormonal inexpensive ointment is recommended for chickenpox, rashes and herpes of the first and second types. A white ointment with a uniform consistency and specific odor is indicated for external use only. The active ingredient in ointment for herpes, oxolin, perfectly fights viruses, penetrating inside viral cells and destroying them. Oxolinic ointment acts on the DNA of the virus, stopping its reproduction. You need to smear wounds from herpes with “Oxolin” several times a day until complete recovery.

OJSC "Lubnyfarm", Ukraine

The active ingredient of Oxolinic ointment is oxolin, which has antiviral activity against the influenza virus and herpes simplex virus.
from 13

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The active ingredients of this herpes ointment are interferon alpha-2b and acyclovir. In addition, "Gerpferon", unlike other similar products, contains lidocaine, which perfectly anesthetizes the area affected by herpes. By the way, “Gerpferon” is suitable for treating herpes on the oral mucosa. As for the use of this ointment for herpes during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no data on this, so it is better to consult a doctor. Reviews about Gerpferon ointment are positive, but many patients note its high cost.

Firn M, Russia

primary and recurrent herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes;
genital herpes; herpes zoster. from 213


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Types of herpes viruses and the complexity of treatment

As we have already found out, a herpes infection is not only a “cold” on the lips and not even just a rash in the genital area - the so-called genital herpes. Chickenpox virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, microorganisms associated with such a dangerous dermatological disease as Kaposi's sarcoma - all these viruses are also included in the large family of herpes viruses Herpesviridae, which includes dozens of species. The most pathogenic herpes simplex viruses for humans are types I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, which lead to the development of a variety of diseases in adults and children.

Infection can occur either vertically, i.e. from mother to child, through the placenta, and horizontally - during household contacts, by airborne droplets and by sexual contact. As a rule, the type of sexual contact does not matter - you can become infected through vaginal, oral and anal contact. If inflammation develops in the genital area, it is necessary to use antiviral ointments for herpes in intimate areas.

Consequences of herpes in women

In expectant mothers, this infection leads to spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy in almost 30% of cases, and in 50% leads to late miscarriages. According to teratogenicity, i.e. ability to disrupt normal embryonic development, herpes infection ranks second after the rubella virus.

Consequences of herpes in men

The virus can cause difficult to diagnose infertility in men. It has recently been found that the infection can penetrate the heads of the sperm and reduce their motility and quality.ii This may reduce the chance of conception.

Once in the body, the virus is integrated into the genetic apparatus of cells and, in the process of reproduction, changes their hereditary program. At the same time, with strong immunity, the disease does not make itself felt and the person may not even suspect that he is infected. According to WHO, of the total number of infected people, the disease manifests itself in approximately 25-30%. What triggers the appearance of symptoms of the disease?

Causes of herpes

Among the most common provoking factors for the development of the disease: regular hypothermia, hyperinsolation, frequent colds and stress, lack of daily routine, poor diet and vitamin deficiency, various intoxications, physical inactivity, sleep problems, cyclical changes in hormonal status in women, changes in climatic zones and the well-known and Chronic fatigue syndrome is common today.

Having received a signal that the immune system is “busy” with urgent issues and has temporarily weakened, the herpetic infection immediately goes on the offensive and can make itself felt both by the appearance of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, and by damage to the eyes (the development of ophthalmic herpes is possible - the leading cause of corneal blindness) and internal organs. According to one version, systemic herpesvirus infection can lead to the development of diseases that were not previously associated with it. Bronchitis, cystitis, various neurological diseases - all this, as scientists have found, can be caused by this infection.


Zovirax is perhaps the most popular ointment for herpes. The active ingredient in Zovirax is acyclovir. And to make the product more gentle on the skin and mucous membranes, propylene glycol, glycerin and other components are also added to the composition. Despite the higher price than regular Acyclovir, patients often choose Zovirax as an effective remedy for herpes that quickly gets rid of the problem.

GlaxoSmithKline, France

Antiviral agent for the treatment of infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, incl.
herpes lips from 162

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All medicines against herpes on the lips are the same, give me something cheaper

Indeed, many drugs intended for the treatment of orolabial herpes contain the same active substance. Most often this antiviral drug is acyclovir, less often - penciclovir. However, there are means that have characteristic differences. For example, one of the creams, along with acyclovir, contains hydrocortisone. This remedy, unlike single drugs, simultaneously prevents the formation of new rash components and shortens the healing time of existing rashes, reducing the severity of the inflammatory reaction and itching [2].

Fenistil Pencivir

One of the most effective remedies against herpes. The active ingredient in Fenistil Pencivir cream is penciclovir, which is considered safer than acyclovir. Penciclovir is an analogue of acyclovir, but more modern, with virtually no side effects. Fenistil Pencivir can be used by pregnant women (but only if the prescription is approved by the doctor!). You need to apply the herpes cream about eight times a day. Fenistil Pencivir does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, like many similar herpes remedies. This cream is odorless, does not leave marks on clothes and is suitable for children over 12 years of age. But they cannot be used to treat the mucous membranes and skin around the eyes.

Fenistil pencivir
Novartis Pharma Services AG (Novartis Pharma), Switzerland

- recurrent herpes simplex localized on the lips (herpes labialis).
from 237

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This herpes remedy is the only one on our list that comes in gel form rather than ointment form. The main advantage of Panavir Gel is that it is created on a plant basis; it is a homeopathic drug. Its active ingredient is not acyclovir, as in other herpes remedies, but an extract of potato shoots. Therefore, if you are allergic to acyclovir and its analogues and are looking for a gentle remedy for herpes, Panavir-gel is just such a medicine.

Zelenaya oakbrava JSC, Russia

Panavir-gel is an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent, the indications for which are: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and/or mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus types I and II, incl.
genital herpes. from 121

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Herpes virus (how does infection occur) –

Initially, children are born with immunity to the herpes virus - thanks to the antibodies that each child receives from the mother (even during pregnancy). However, gradually the number of antibodies decreases, and usually in the period from 6 months to 3 years maximum, the child develops a primary herpes infection. It usually occurs in the form of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. And in the future, the herpes virus remains in the body for life, periodically exacerbating.

How is herpes transmitted?

The best remedy for herpes is certainly its prevention, but below we will also talk about special ointments and tablets. You should know that contact is the main route for transmission of herpes infection; Airborne transmission is more rare. Contact transmission means that infection with the herpes virus occurs:

  • through kisses and touches,
  • when you use personal items that have been in contact with a person with herpes or simply a “carrier”,
  • for example, you dried yourself with someone else's towel,
  • for example, you tasted your child's food with his spoon,
  • for example, you eat with someone from the same plate, etc.

The most contagious are people who have clinical manifestations of herpes - we are talking about whole or newly opened herpetic vesicles. Keep in mind that the risk of infection does not disappear once crusts form, but only decreases slightly. Modern research shows that infection with herpes is possible even from a clinically completely healthy person.

Important: in approximately 10% of people, the herpes virus is constantly detected in the saliva (even against the background of the complete absence of any symptoms of herpes).

What causes relapses of herpes -

After the initial infection, the herpes virus penetrates the nerve cells, then it spreads along the nerve trunks, ultimately ending up in the nerve ganglia. There it remains for life - in the form of a “dormant infection”.

Under the influence of certain triggering factors, the virus is activated and again moves along the nerve trunks to the surfaces of the skin and/or mucous membranes - where it causes the formation of herpetic vesicles (vesicles). Relapses can occur 1 or 2 times a year, but sometimes much more often, which ultimately depends on the state of your immune system and nervous system.

Factors that cause recurrence of herpes –

  • contact with a person with clinical manifestations of herpes,
  • decreased immunity due to influenza or ARVI,
  • immunodeficiency states,
  • hypothermia, dehydration,
  • physical fatigue and emotional stress,
  • cuts and scratches on the skin, for example after shaving,
  • after a visit to the dentist (due to the fact that when the mouth is opened wide for a long time, cracks form in the corners of the mouth),
  • after invasive cosmetic procedures,
  • during menstruation in women,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.


Herpes ointment "Erazaban" perfectly treats and heals herpetic rashes. The active ingredient in herpes ointment, docosanol, effectively fights the herpes simplex virus. The good thing is that Erazaban ointment, when applied externally, does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not affect the functioning of the body. This ointment is prescribed at the first manifestations of herpes on the skin and mucous membranes. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of herpes, which often recurs in patients with reduced immunity.

Bausch & Lomb, Germany

Infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1, including herpes labialis.
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Recommend some remedy for cold sore lips for a pregnant woman

Unfortunately, first-line drugs for the treatment of exacerbations of orolabial herpes are indicated for use during pregnancy only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus and child [2]. Expectant mothers can be encouraged to use a lip balm or cream with a UV filter - it protects the skin of the lips from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is considered one of the triggers for relapses of herpes. Additionally, I would recommend lip moisturizers to prevent dry skin.


This herpes ointment for external use is also not absorbed into the blood and does not have a systemic effect on the body. The active ingredient in Herperax ointment is acyclovir, which successfully fights the herpes simplex virus. The product affects only those cells that are affected by herpes. "Herperax" is a very effective drug, therefore it is often prescribed by doctors. It is noteworthy that this ointment for herpes can be used in children from birth.

Micro Labs Limited, India

Herperax is an antiviral drug whose active substance is acyclovir.
Thymidine kinase in virus-infected cells actively converts acyclovir through a series of sequential reactions into acyclovir mono-, di- and triphosphate. The latter interacts with viral DNA polymerase and is integrated into the DNA that is synthesized for new viruses. Thus, defective viral DNA is formed, which leads to suppression of the replication of new generations of viruses. Acyclovir is active against Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, Varicella zoster virus, Epstein-Bar virus and cytomegalovirus. from 51


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How to choose a medicine for herpes in intimate places and what interferons have to do with it

As mentioned above, the HH virus, which can remain “dormant” in the body, can become active when the immune system is weakened. Activation of viruses gives a signal to the body that it is necessary to “turn on” the natural antiviral defense system - interferons (IFNs), which are protein molecules with nonspecific activity. They are able to act on a wide range of pathogens. We can say that interferons act as a universal “security service” of the body, which is activated before other parts of the immune system begin to operate.

However, the body's own interferons may not be enough. Immunological studies show that recurrent HH can lead to a decrease in IFN production.ii Under these conditions, the fight against viruses is significantly more difficult. The spread of the virus increases and the capture of neighboring cells becomes more frequent. Thus, the disease develops more and more actively. In this situation, the use of external interferons is justified. Such therapy will help compensate for the lack of one’s own interferon, as well as bring immunity levels back to normal.


Anti-herpes ointment for external use has virtually no side effects and is not addictive. "Alpizarin" is prescribed to children from 1 year old, because it is non-toxic. In addition to herpes, this ointment is effective against cytomegalovirus and paramyxoviruses. “Alpizarin” not only inhibits the virus itself, but also stimulates the production of interferon gamma in the body, thus increasing the resistance of the immune system to viral diseases. Thanks to this complex action, Alpizarin is prescribed to adults and children not only for herpes, but also for any viral diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as for herpes zoster.

Alpizarin ointment

Herpes in women during pregnancy: how to avoid complications

For a pregnant woman, HS poses the greatest danger if it is primary, i.e. had not been detected in the body before. The virus can be transmitted through the placenta and mainly affects the nervous tissue of the fetus. The degree of harm to the fetus from this virus depends on the duration of infection and the dose. With primary HS, infection of up to 80% of fetuses is observed. If the viral disease is recurrent, approximately 7-10% of the fetuses become infected. HH at its primary manifestation increases the incidence of miscarriage in the first trimester in more than 50% of cases, in the second – by 30%, and in the third – by 10-15%.i

In approximately 50% of cases, infection of the expectant mother with the herpes virus leads to the birth of a premature baby. Unfortunately, in some cases, severe damage to newborns by this virus is observed, which manifests itself in the form of herpetic meningoencephalitis and sepsis, as well as organic and dysfunctional disorders such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, heart defects, deafness and retinal pathologies.

Given the high prevalence of HH and the high risks for newborns, early and accurate diagnosis of the disease is necessary for all pregnant women. For these purposes, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and DIF (direct immunofluorescence method) are used.

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