Dmitry Gudilin Composition and main types of adhesives Adhesive properties of adhesives Influence of features on adhesion
Almost all parents know when the first baby teeth should appear, but most
The children's relatives rejoice at the little one's new skills. The appearance of his baby teeth causes special trepidation.
What Russian doesn't like to drink a few glasses of alcohol at a holiday party? But holiday fun
There are the following types of dentures: removable structures with fixation; clasp; partial or temporary; flexible;
A new name has appeared in the list of orthodontic instruments of Dial-Dent specialists - WIN braces. These are lingual
In the article we will look at the instructions for use of Tsiprolet drops. Are they ear or eye? Let's figure it out.
Dental problems occur in children at a very early age. And even baby teeth erupted
Abscess on the gum and its symptoms An abscess is a painful process of suppuration of a place in
December 18, 2017 Most people who smoke cannot boast of either a fresh complexion or