Characteristics of temporary, replacement and permanent dentition. Part 1
After the first six months of life, baby teeth begin to appear. Teething is considered the norm
What you need to know about baby teeth in children (and modern medical approach)
The kids are just full of teeth. The teeth somehow fit into the skull, but still almost stick out
Multiunit abutment is a successful solution in global implantation practice
Dental prosthetics using implants is a dental procedure in which the bone structure
Candidiasis in a child's mouth
Thrush in children's mouth: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention
What kind of disease is candidiasis? Symptoms Causes Treatment Treatment methods Preventive measures For many parents
baby's first tooth
Gift for a child’s first tooth - TOP 150 good ideas for girls and boys
What do they give to a girl for her first tooth: TOP 20 good ideas You can give to a girl for her first tooth
Features of oral care - Dentistry "Line of Smiles"
Teeth in children from 3 to 6 years old. Features and timing of eruption.
Formation of Permanent Teeth Molars are formed from the epithelial dental plate. The appearance of their rudiments occurs
Veterinarian examines dog's bite
What to do if your dog has an abnormal bite
In addition, molars often grow crooked due to the fact that teeth for a dog are special
Baby teeth
The child's baby teeth are not growing. This is fine?
A child’s first tooth erupts is a joyful event for parents. But what if the teeth
Sore throat in children: causes and treatment
Painful sensations in the larynx are one of the signs of diseases of the respiratory organs. Infectious diseases
Sore throat - cold, sore throat or tonsillitis?
A cold is usually accompanied by inflammation of the oropharynx. Therefore, when a person is sick, it is difficult for him to swallow, a cough appears,
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