Find out about the first symptoms of lip cancer that you shouldn't ignore.

G.B. Lyubomirsky

, dentist-therapist, periodontist, dental surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IGMA of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Head of the Dental Department of BUZ SE No. 1 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

General Director of the ANO of additional professional education "Vladimir Center for Scientific and Practical Dentistry" (Vladimir)

Analysis of literary sources showed that hemangiomas of soft tissues of the maxillofacial region, and, in particular, localized on the upper or lower lip, are an urgent problem in maxillofacial surgery, causing genuine interest among scientists and doctors regarding the etiopathogenesis and clinical and morphological features of the structure .
Our article presents the results of clinical studies on the symptoms of hemangioma localized on the lower lip. This clinical article shows the possibility of using a diode laser with a wavelength of 810 nm as an effective tool for performing surgery and presents the stages of this procedure. The results of our own research are compared with the corresponding data from literary sources. Key words:
mucosal hemangioma, lip hemangioma, diode laser, thermal ablation, lip aesthetics

What is lip cancer?

Lip cancer is a malignant neoplasm that occurs as a result of the autonomous and uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the tissues of the lips. Lip cancer is a consequence of head and neck cancer and can occur along with oral cancer or possibly be one of the symptoms of oral cancer. Lip cancer can take the form of squamous cell carcinoma, an abnormal growth of flat cells on the lips.

Treatment for lip cancer in hospitals in Israel and other countries usually involves surgery to remove the tumor. For small lip tumors, surgery may be minor with minimal impact on appearance.

Symptoms of lip cancer

It is extremely important to pay attention to the symptoms of lip cancer as soon as they appear. The earlier any possible tumor is detected, the better the outlook. This means that lip cancer treatment abroad will be faster and less disruptive to normal life, and the patient will have a much better chance of a 100% recovery. If any abnormality is observed on the lip or in the mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor. Early diagnosis of cancer gives the best possible chance of a successful outcome.

The problem is that early symptoms of lip cancer are often difficult to detect. Most people do not show any obvious early symptoms at all. But there is a golden rule: if a dentist refers a person to an oncologist, you should listen to his advice.

The symptoms of lip cancer are as follows;

  1. White or red spot on the lip . A white or red spot on the lip is one of the most common symptoms of lip cancer. It can also appear as a white spot with red spots. White and red spots may be the early appearance of cells that become abnormal. If left untreated, they can develop into tumors.
  2. An ulcer or painful spot on the lip . An ulcer or painful spot on the lip that takes a long time to heal may be one of the early symptoms of oral lip cancer. Pain that has lasted more than 10 days without healing should be checked by a dentist.
  3. Difficulty swallowing . If you have problems swallowing and chewing, moving your jaw or moving your tongue. This symptom is NOT specific to lip cancer and may be caused by other conditions. But you still need to visit a doctor.
  4. Ear pain . Frequent or persistent ear pain should be checked by a doctor. Ear pain is usually caused by an ear infection. BUT, in some cases, it may be due to lip cancer.
  5. Bleeding . Bleeding from the mouth can be caused by many things. The most common cause is simple gum disease. But any bleeding from the mouth is not normal and should be checked. This is one of the important symptoms of lip cancer.
  6. Tumor on the lip . Any swelling or lump in the mouth should be examined by a doctor. By far the most common cause of a lump or lump is an infection, but once again, any swelling is NOT normal and is a sign that something is wrong.

Causes and risk factors for developing lip cancer

When treating cancer abroad, it has long been known that the exact cause of cancer is still unclear, but certain risk factors are associated with specific types of cancer. The risk factors for lip cancer are the same as those for oral cancer. These include:

  1. Smoking and tobacco use . Smoking and tobacco are the most commonly associated factors in the treatment of lip and oral cavity cancer. Cigarettes contain various carcinogens, including tar. Chemicals found in cigarettes damage the lining of the lip, causing abnormal cells to multiply. Almost all patients suffering from lip cancer are smokers.
  2. Alcohol consumption . Drinking alcohol leads to the penetration of DNA-damaging substances into the cells of the lip and mouth. When alcohol is combined with smoking, there is a higher risk of developing lip cancer.
  3. Exposure to the sun . Exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun for long periods can cause skin cancer, including lip cancer.
  4. HPV infection . Warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) may contribute to the development of lip cancer. HPV usually affects the vagina, penis, and cervix. The practice of certain sexual practices contributes to the spread of the virus in the lips and mouth.
  5. Chronic irritation . Lip irritations caused by poor fittings and other dental appliances can cause changes in the cells of the mouth and lips.
  6. Lack of vegetables and fruits . These foods have antioxidant properties, and it is believed that a lack of these substances in the diet may predispose people to lip cancer. Considering that the lack of these substances in the body affects not only the development of oncology, attention should be paid to this factor.
  7. Male . Men have a higher percentage of smokers and alcoholics, which predispose the male population to oral cancer.
  8. Age over 40 years . Adults over age 40 have a higher risk due to greater exposure to carcinogens and ultraviolet rays.

Here are the logical ways to prevent lip cancer:

  • Quitting smoking and tobacco use.
  • Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoiding unsafe sexual practices such as oral sex.
  • Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 10:00 and 15:00 hours, to prevent exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. Apply sunscreen to your lips.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet and consider taking vitamin supplements.

What measures should be taken

Based on what caused the red dot to appear, you need to take different measures and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To accurately diagnose the nature of the tumor on the lip, it is recommended to undergo an examination with the following procedures :

  • ultrasound examination - this will help to detect vascular formations and establish their boundaries;
  • radiography of vessels with contrast (angiography) - is prescribed to detect the blood vessel affected by angioma and protect the patient’s condition by making this area impassable;
  • blood tests for viral infections - if a herpes virus infection is suspected;
  • histological tests - to exclude oncology.

Photo 2: If the redness turns out to be a punctate hemangioma, which does not change in size, shape and color over a long period of time, regular observation by a doctor and maintaining immunity is sufficient.
Source: flickr (Katrin Po). Homeopathic treatment for red spots on lips

In a person with a strong immune system, red dots on the lip usually do not cause complications. Therefore, an important stage of treatment in such cases is strengthening the body’s defenses and increasing its resistance to viruses and infections.

Important! Taking homeopathic medicines improves immunity and helps to independently fight the disease that affects the body, without additional exposure to chemicals.

Aloe socotrinaSevere redness of lips, dryness.
Ammonium carbonicumSore lips (outside and inside), swelling.
ApisSoreness, swelling and redness on the lips.
Arum triphyllumBleeding and redness of lips due to biting.
Acidum benzoicumRed dots from biting the lower lip.
HelleborusThe lips are dry, darkened, with bite ulcers and cracks.
Kalium sulfuricumRed lips.
CapsicumRash on lips.
ClematisOncological neoplasms in the lower lip.
CreosotumRed and bleeding lips.
RhododendronFeeling of dryness and burning on the lips.
SabadillaItching and burning, herpes on the lips.
SenecioHerpes rashes.
SepiaSwelling and spots on the lips, herpes.
TuberculinumLips are dry, bright red.

How to find out prices for lip cancer treatment in Israel?

Given the popularity of cancer treatment in Israel, today many patients with various diagnoses want to know the prices for cancer treatment abroad. This interest is due to the fact that people want more and more effective treatment of any of their diseases using the most modern methods and progressive medications. This is exactly what is available to patients in foreign medical centers. Many patients choose lip cancer treatment in Israel.

However, you should understand that it will be impossible to find out the exact price of treatment before arriving at the clinic. This is purely a preliminary figure.

To do this you need:

  1. Fill out the contact form on the website.
  2. After a very short time, the patient will be contacted by a medical coordinator to find out additional information.
  3. At the request of the coordinator, it will be necessary to send all medical documents, extracts, and test results related to the problem available to the patient.
  4. Based on the results of reviewing the submitted papers, the patient can be contacted by a specialized oncologist who will ask a number of clarifying questions about the patient’s condition, diagnosis, problems and his wishes regarding treatment.
  5. As a result of the work done, medical consultants will select for the patient several options for clinics and medical centers where his problem is best solved. Then the choice is up to the person.

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