Human teeth - structure, quantity, numbering and composition

It is difficult to find a person who does not dream of maintaining healthy, strong teeth until old age. After all, healthy white teeth mean a beautiful smile in the photo, self-confidence, and absence of pain. Healthy teeth are also a good help in the proper functioning of many systems of our body.

Doctors say that healthy, strong teeth are always a pressing issue in dentistry. In fact, all their activities are aimed at keeping people’s teeth healthy.

And in the same way, in order for healthy white teeth to delight us in old age, we need to take care of them all our lives, using all means of disease prevention, including folk ones.

Teeth of ancient people

The dentofacial apparatus of prehistoric and modern humans differs significantly. Ancient people had more than 36 teeth, protruding fangs and a massive jaw. This was explained by the need to chew rough food and raw meat. With the addition of thermally processed foods to the diet, the dentition began to change. The canines were the first to transform, becoming aligned with the bite line. Then the jaw arch narrowed, the interdental spaces disappeared, and the teeth themselves decreased in size. Currently, 32 teeth in humans are the norm, but third molars are considered to be an atavism.

Interesting fact!

The teeth of ancient man cannot be called aesthetic, but they were healthy. According to scientists, cavemen never suffered from caries and other oral diseases.

Types of correct bite

The above describes the orthognathic bite, which is the reference. It occurs in only 5% of people. But there are other types of teeth closure in which violations are not detected. What does each one look like? Experts identify the following bites:

  1. Biprognathic. Both jaws are slightly pushed forward, and the teeth are slightly directed towards the lips.
  2. Opisthognathic. The opposite of the previous type. The teeth are directed inward. Opisthognathic occlusion is rare. Its features are noticeable when viewed in profile.
  3. Progenic. The lower jaw protrudes slightly, but this feature is not pathological. The functioning of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the functionality of the teeth are not impaired.
  4. Straight. The upper row of teeth is parallel to the lower one. The incisors touch their cutting edges. This feature is not a deviation, but it threatens rapid wear of the teeth due to increased load.

Sometimes, if you have one of these malocclusions, minor adjustments may be needed. But the treatment in this case will be easy.

Name of human teeth

Depending on the location and structure, dental units have their own functional characteristics and are called differently.

  • Incisors.
    On both jaws there are four front teeth in humans - medial and lateral incisors, which are used for biting food.
  • Fangs.
    Sharp teeth designed for chewing hard foods.
  • Premolars.
    "Fours" and "fives" on the left and right sides of each jaw arch grind soft or small pieces of food.
  • Molars.
    Three large outer teeth in each row are aimed at grinding coarse substances.
  • The canines
    and incisors are part of the anterior group, or the “smile zone,” and the human molars are part of the chewing segment.

In addition, teeth are divided into temporary and permanent. In the first case, we are talking about dairy products that appear in children from the fifth month of life to three years. The second refers to the final bite, which is formed between six and thirteen years of age. Milk teeth differ from permanent teeth only in size, but in structure they are identical.


Finally, a few interesting facts about human teeth and their titanium analogues

It is believed that in Samara right-handers chew most of their food on the right side, and left-handers on the left. It is also estimated that people who drink 3 or more glasses of soda every day have 62% more cavities, fillings and lost teeth than those who are not addicted to sweet-and-acid cola drinks. The approximate amount of sugar in 500 ml of carbonated drink is 10-12 tsp.

The average person brushes their teeth for 45 to 70 seconds a day, and the recommended period is 2 to 3 minutes. The average person spends about 38.5 days of their life brushing their teeth.

An interesting fact is that teeth begin to form even before birth. Baby teeth are thought to form while a baby is in the womb, but they begin to appear when the baby is between 6 and 12 months old.

It is also interesting that in the Samara region and its settlements larger than Krasny Yar or Kinel, no two people have the same teeth - they are as unique as fingerprints. Even identical twins do not have the same teeth. This is why teeth are still widely used to identify human remains.

More than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth cause plaque. These bacteria are mainly caused by the consumption of sugar and acids. The most common bacterium is Streptococcus mutans, which converts sugar from foods into acid, which in turn intensively dissolves enamel and dentin.

Many diseases in the Samara region are related to oral health, some of which are osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and its main purpose is to protect the rest of the tooth. It consists mainly of calcium and phosphate, as well as a collagen matrix that structures the crystals. 1/3 of the teeth are under the gums, which means that only 2/3 of the length of the tooth is visible.

Dental implants for prosthetics, when installed correctly and correctly, function in the oral cavity for life . Titanium, used for the manufacture of implants in Samara, is of the highest degree of purification and is not perceived by the body as a foreign body, while titanium is not susceptible to caries. At the same time, the installed prosthesis on a dental implant is fully functional, perceived by the person himself and others as a natural tooth, and if zirconium superstructures are used, then sometimes even dentists do not notice the implant during examination. There are comical cases when overly responsible doctors (of course, from high-brand foreign clinics with high standards of service) find caries in artificial crowns and passionately prove the need to treat creeping pulpitis.

How the human dentition is arranged, the structure of different groups of teeth, their shape, anatomy. There are 32 permanent human teeth, and 20 milk teeth. Teeth are divided into incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Some people have wisdom teeth. Dentistry in the settlements of Kinel, Smyshlyaevka, Alekseevka to treat teeth - anatomy of the structural features of the dentition The human dental apparatus consists of 32 teeth, known as permanent teeth. They are distributed over two rows of teeth - upper and lower. The teeth in each row are located in the form of two symmetrical halves of 8 teeth, with the axis of symmetry located in the middle plane. Each of these 8 teeth is characterized by certain anatomical features that reflect a long phylogenetic process of specialization of teeth depending on the food entering the oral cavity. Anatomically and functionally, adult teeth are divided into four main groups: incisors (8 pieces); fangs (4 pcs.); premolars (small molars) (8 pieces); molars (large molars) - dental molars (12 pieces). Milk teeth in the Kinelsky region resemble permanent ones in shape. Their total number is 20. Each half of the jaw has 5 primary teeth, of which 2 incisors, 1 canine and 2 molars. Thus, the dental formula of milk teeth takes the following form: I2C1M2. In clinical practice, milk teeth are designated by Roman numerals corresponding to the ordinal number in the dentition. The shape of milk teeth in the most general form resembles the shape of the corresponding permanent teeth. They also show some differences. The crown of milk teeth has a bluish tint. The incisors have rounded corners and the molars have a rounded crown. Their roots are shorter and on molars they are farther apart. The tooth cavity, root canals and apical foramen are wider. Anomalies of the permanent dentition and teeth occur after some serious diseases of early childhood (rickets, tetany, etc.), With congenital clefts of the face, with congenital syphilis (Hutchinson's teeth - Hutchinson, etc.). where to cure teeth in Kinel, Sputnik, Domashka, Zubchaninovka. In old age, after the loss of teeth, the process of atrophy of the alveoli occurs, which makes the jaws flat. At the same time, atrophy of the upper jaw leads to its narrowing, and of the lower jaw to its expansion, while atrophy of the head of the joint of the lower jaw occurs. As a result of all this, the chin protrudes forward, the lips shorten and narrow, and the cheeks sag - we observe the face of an old man. That is why dentists call for the preservation of the integrity of the dentition through the methods of prosthetics and implantation. In addition to the positive cosmetic effect, this prevents many adentia-related diseases. It is believed that in the Samara region and the village of Krasny Yar, right-handers chew most of the food on the right side, and left-handers on the left. It is also believed that people who drink 3 or more glasses of soda every day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and lost teeth than those who are not addicted to soda cola. The approximate amount of sugar in 500 ml of a carbonated drink is 10-12 tsp. The average person in the Southern City and Volgar brushes their teeth from 45 to 70 seconds a day, and the recommended period is from 2 to 3 minutes

. The average person in Volgar spends about 38.5 days of his life brushing his teeth.

Teeth begin to form in Smyshlyaevka even before birth. Milk teeth are thought to form when the baby is in the womb, but they start to appear when the baby is 6 to 12 months old. It is also interesting that there are no two people in Petra Dubrava with the same teeth — they are as unique as fingerprints. Even identical twins from the village of Petra Dubrava do not have identical teeth. This is why teeth are still widely used to identify human remains. More than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth are responsible for the appearance of plaque. These bacteria are mainly caused by the consumption of sugar and acids. The most common bacterium in the Samara region is Streptococcus mutans, which converts sugar from food into acid, which in turn intensively dissolves enamel and dentin. Many diseases in Krasny Yar are related to oral health, some of which are osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, its main purpose is to protect the rest of the tooth. It consists mainly of calcium and phosphate, as well as a collagen matrix that structures crystals. 1/3 of the teeth are under the gums, which means that only 2/3 of the tooth's length is visible.

Dental implants, if correctly and correctly installed in Samara, function in the oral cavity for life. Titanium used for the manufacture of implants is of the highest degree of purification and is not perceived by the body as a foreign body, while titanium is not susceptible to curi

Dentistry in Samara Samara, Samara region, st. Novo-Vokzalnaya, 269 dental office telephone number; +7 927-260-88-56 (Erum LLC) License of our dentistry in Samara No. LO-63-01-002-98 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region.

How many teeth does a person have?

The number of teeth a person has depends on age and anatomical features. The child has a set of 20 primary teeth, which are replaced by a permanent bite of 28 teeth. Third molars erupt, as a rule, after twenty years or do not grow at all, which is not a pathology.

In dentistry, a single numbering of human teeth is adopted. Doctors classify teeth as lower and upper and distinguish the right and left segments of the jaws. Each of them includes two incisors, a canine, two premolars and three molars. The countdown starts from the first front tooth and ends, accordingly, with a figure eight. Sometimes a number is added to the serial number indicating the location zone. For example, the right canine of the top row is numbered 13. This order in the schematic representation is called the formula of human teeth.


In rare cases, an anomaly such as polyodontia is observed - supernumerary, or extra teeth in a person. Dental units can appear in the primary and permanent dentition anywhere in the jaw, separate from or fused with the main teeth. The defect affects not only the aesthetics of the smile, but also leads to the formation of incorrect occlusion, impairs the quality of chewing food and diction. Most often, supernumerary teeth are removed in childhood or built into the dentition.


There is also a deviation of the opposite meaning called edentia - congenital or acquired absence of dental units. The causes of the phenomenon include heredity or improper development of the embryo in the womb. People without teeth cannot fully eat and speak, have a deformed facial contour and weakened immunity.

The procedure for making crown structures for teeth made of metal-ceramics

  • Before proceeding with crown modeling, the client is prescribed a series of laboratory examinations. To install a prosthesis, the patient's oral cavity must be completely healthy. Found open cavities are filled and professional cleaning is prescribed.
  • Based on the results of the preparatory period, you can begin selecting the product. Some are known for their durability, while others come with more than a year's warranty.
  • The production of the prosthesis is carried out in laboratory conditions in stages.
  • To obtain a high-quality impression, the doctor carries out a procedure for preparing the supporting part of the chewing element. After which you can make a two-layer print. Then, permanent fixations or bridges are installed in place of the prepared teeth. The dentist must determine the center of closure of the dental system.
  • The one-piece metal crown frame is precisely adjusted to size, and the ceramic veneer is selected to match the color of the patient’s teeth.

Dimensions of human teeth

The upper central incisors are twice as wide as their antagonists. The remaining dental units of the same name have approximately equal parameters. The size is determined using special tables with the optimal size and permissible deviations. Experienced doctors calculate proportions by dividing the length of a person’s teeth by the width. A result of about 0.75 millimeters is considered close to ideal. For more detailed diagnostics, other professional formulas and techniques are used.

Size deviations from the norm occur due to improper formation of the jaw, fusion of tooth buds, or genetic predisposition. Teeth that are too large are called macrodentia, and abnormally small teeth are called microdentia. Pathologies are accompanied by problems with bite and chewing functions, but can be successfully corrected by a dentist.

Interesting fact!

The longest tooth in the world belongs to an Indian teenager. The size of its crown is almost four centimeters. About a year ago, the tooth was removed, and the young man was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The structure of the human tooth


From an anatomical point of view, a human tooth consists of three parts.

  • Crown.
    The visible part protruding above the gum. It has four sides: the occlusal, or cutting edge, in contact with the antagonist teeth; contact wall adjacent to adjacent dental units; vestibular and lingual surfaces facing the lips and tongue, respectively.
  • Root.
    Fixed in the socket by connective tissue, located in the recess of the jaw. As a rule, premolars have two roots, and molars have three, four or even five. The remaining dental units have one root canal.
  • Neck.
    It is located between the coronal part and the root of a human tooth, surrounded by periodontium.


What are human teeth made of? Let's look at the cross-section of the structure of a human tooth.

  • Enamel.
    A transparent protective coating of the crown, almost entirely consisting of inorganic microelements.
  • Dentine.
    The hard base of the tooth, containing 80% mineral components and 20% organic substances. The shade of dentin is responsible for the color of dental units, as it shines through the enamel.
  • Cement.
    The bone tissue covering the tooth root. Plays the role of a fastening element connecting the tooth to the alveolus.
  • Pulp.
    Soft tissue filled with bundles of nerves and capillaries. Painful sensations during caries are explained precisely by the presence of nerve endings.


  • Features of metal-ceramic crowns per tooth
  • The need to install a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth
  • The procedure for manufacturing metal-ceramic structures for teeth
  • The procedure for installing a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth
  • Rules for caring for metal-ceramic crowns
  • Repair procedures for metal-ceramic crowns on teeth

A metal-ceramic tooth crown consists of two parts: metal and ceramic, respectively. Unhealthy teeth cause great discomfort and require the help of a specialist. When it is impossible to restore the original shape of teeth for a long time by filling, doctors suggest installing crowns. Metal-ceramic products are the best option for restoring teeth. The first layer is metal, it is responsible for the chewing function; ceramics are thinly applied to it. This coating does not cause allergic reactions, so it is suitable for most patients. The procedure is carried out by highly qualified specialists with experience. The quality of work on installing a crown on a metal-ceramic tooth is ensured by modern equipment and original materials.

Human wisdom teeth

A “wisdom tooth” is the third outer molar with three to five roots. In structure it is no different from its “neighbors”. To the question “How many wisdom teeth does a person have?” cannot be answered unambiguously. They erupt around the age of twenty, one on each side of both jaws. However, there are people without wisdom teeth. This is a variant of the norm, since in the process of human evolution the need for the “eight” disappeared, and the structure of the jaws underwent corresponding changes. Today, third molars are considered a vestigial organ.

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