Retrograde filling is a method of filling root canals with access through the root apex. He is shown
Atrophy of bone tissue in the area of the alveolar processes of the upper and lower jaws is quite common
What kind of drug is this “Articaine” (or Articaine in Latin) - this is a drug for local1
Prices for anesthesia Specialists Modern anesthesia in dentistry guarantees complete anesthesia for the entire duration
My cheek is swollen after dental treatment - what to do? Dentistry Kyiv | Dental clinic in
11/22/2019 White plaque in the mouth is one of the signs of candidal stomatitis. This pathology is provoked
This is a frequently asked question on health forums, and we're here to answer it.
The most common reason that a filling interferes and is felt in the oral cavity is that it
A new name has appeared in the list of orthodontic instruments of Dial-Dent specialists - WIN braces. These are lingual
Nowadays it is quite difficult to choose a really good oral care product. Many unscrupulous