How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from your mouth?

Not everyone knows how long it takes for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from the mouth, so many people think that if they drink coffee after smoking or suck on a mint candy, the unpleasant smell will disappear. Most smokers do not pay much attention to this problem, as they are accustomed to the taste of tobacco in their mouth. To a greater extent, this interferes with other people, especially their relatives and colleagues with whom they are in close contact.

Causes of cigarette odor from the mouth

Actually, the main reason is smoking, because in the process of smoldering tobacco a huge amount of substances is formed that simply cannot smell like roses on their own. So why does a smoker’s mouth smell bad?

    Tars and combustion products of tobacco tend to settle on the mucous membranes, because when a person smokes, toxic smoke comes into direct contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and even the nasal cavity, tongue, and teeth, which almost always have plaque on them. Without exception, all surfaces in contact with smoke literally adsorb onto themselves everything that is released during the smoking process, and removing the smell can be very difficult, because these particles are resistant even to flavored mouthwashes, not to mention plain water.


  1. Tobacco smoking: harm, ways to quit [Electronic resource] / Ovchinnikov B.V., Dyakonov I.F., Zobnev V.M., Dyakonova T.I.; under general ed. V. K. Shamrey. – St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2012. – 45 p.
  2. Chemistry of tobacco and shag / A. A. Shmuk, full member of the All. acad. agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin. - Moscow ; Leningrad: Pishchepromizdat, 1938 (M.: 11 type. MOOMP). – 544 p.
  3. Organic chemistry: textbook. aid for students of education. institutions prof. education / L. M. Pustovalova. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005 (JSC Book). – 317 p.

How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear?

Smokers become so accustomed to the taste of tobacco in their own mouths that they do not pay attention to it. They think that a mint or a cup of coffee after smoking will completely neutralize the fragrant tars. But that's not true. It takes at least 2 hours for this taste to disappear without a trace. Of course, there are many products that can eliminate the smell of tobacco, but many of them only have a masking effect. There are people endowed with such a keen sense of smell that they can easily “figure out” a person who smoked a day ago.

It is worth noting that an experienced smoker, even if he does not indulge in his pleasure for three to four hours, will still notice the smell. And some kind of provocateurs that enhance it are: milk, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as orange juice.

Flavors, fresheners, adsorbents and other methods

essential oils are excellent flavoring agents ; they are best used in an aroma lamp. Among the most effective remedies are: citronella, lavender, orange, grapefruit oil.

Such products generally effectively mask the odor, but do not eliminate it completely.

rice is a good odor absorbent.

. Just pour it into a bowl and leave it indoors for several hours.

Another good adsorbent is charcoal.


You can try to cover up the smell with scented candles . Nowadays, manufacturers even produce candles specifically designed to neutralize the smell of cigarettes. They contain extracts from citronella, eucalyptus, lavender and other plants. Such candles are called “anti-tobacco”.

The stores offer a wide range of industrial air fresheners

. They are available in the form of sprays, granules or special stickers. You can choose the scent to suit your taste.

In the next article you will learn how to get rid of other unpleasant odors in your apartment.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes

To eliminate the appearance of tobacco odor from your mouth, you just need to not smoke. This is the simplest and cheapest way to combat such an unworthy phenomenon. But not everyone can immediately give up this habit, but sooner or later this question will arise (or has already arisen more than once) before every “smoke worshiper”. By the way, for a person who has given up smoking forever, it will take a long time for the breath to become fresh, and in order to restore balance as quickly as possible, you need to pay special attention to oral hygiene:

  1. When brushing your teeth, you should move the brush not only over your teeth, but also over your tongue, as well as along the inner surface of your cheeks. It is appropriate to carry out this procedure twice a day, diligently and diligently, and to enhance the effect, it is recommended to pre-clean the interdental space with floss.
  2. The pharmacy sells special tongue scrapers, the purchase of which should not be ignored, because they perfectly clean the surface of plaque, which also contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  3. It is better to purchase rinses and sprays on the recommendation of dentists, since some varieties of these products are designed not only to freshen breath, but also to eliminate some dental problems - to heal micro-wounds, destroy pathogenic microflora and disinfect the oral cavity.

Traditional methods

There are many folk remedies that can help solve this problem. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them, which have proven themselves to be excellent.

  • Place containers filled with freshly ground coffee around the apartment. After a couple of weeks, their content should be updated. It is recommended to repeat this manipulation until the smell completely disappears.
  • Take a bay leaf and set it on fire in an ashtray. You need to walk through all the rooms with this smoking leaf, the tobacco smell will disappear pretty soon.
  • Cinnamon. Place a few cinnamon sticks in a saucepan, add water and place over low heat. The entire cooking process takes about half an hour. The aroma of cinnamon will spread throughout the apartment and neutralize the cigarette smell.
  • Vanilla. You need to add vanilla extract to a pan of water, soak a terry towel in it thoroughly, then hang it in the room.
  • Borax (sodium tetraborate), mixed with any dishwashing gel. Prepare a mixture of several teaspoons of sodium tetraborate, purchased at the pharmacy, and dishwashing gel. These ingredients should be diluted with water. Use the resulting product to wipe all contaminated surfaces with a sponge or rag, then thoroughly wipe them with clean water.
  • Orange zest. The unpleasant smell will quickly disappear if you place plates with orange peels in the room.
  • Apple vinegar . Pour it into any container (about a liter) and place it in the room.

How to cover up the smell

  • Roasted seeds and nuts;
  • Apples and oranges;
  • Dill, parsley, fennel and celery;
  • Pine needles and mint;
  • Spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cumin);
  • Bay leaf;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Drinks (mineral or boiled water, black or green tea).

If a person smokes, then he must take care that his destructive passion does not interfere with the lives of other people. For this reason, it is necessary to always have a package of mint chewing gum with you, or even better, its anti-tobacco version. In addition, you can carry with you a “pocket” version of a refreshing spray or special medications, better known to the population as “Anti-police”.

Bad breath in smokers: causes

The persistence of cigarette smoke is amazing. It is explained by simple physiology:

  • Provoking diseases of the oral cavity, teeth and gums.
  • Disorders of the digestive process.
  • Dry mouth. The temperature of the smoke from smoldering tobacco reaches 300–400 degrees. Dry mouth can cause an unpleasant odor in anyone. But if in this case simple hydration can solve the problem, then the smoker will no longer get by with drinking a glass of water.
  • A coating of tar, nicotine and other dangerous substances on the tongue, teeth, and mucous membranes.

How can you measure the concentration of nicotine in the body?

There are several ways to measure the level of alkaloid in the blood.

Blood analysis

This is an accurate test that detects both nicotine and cotinine. A blood test to determine these substances is also the most expensive, so it is rarely used in clinical practice.

Saliva studies

Such tests are the most sensitive of all survey methods. They are also the most accessible. Saliva contains levels of nicotine or cotinine that are one third higher than those in blood serum. In addition, saliva testing is one of the most accessible.

The material is collected by performing a swab of the oral cavity. The cotton swab is placed in a sealable container.

Urine tests

Higher concentrations of cotinine can be found in urine, 6 times higher than those in blood. This analysis is relatively simple. To carry it out, you just need to soak the test paper for a few minutes. Then she shows the result.

Hair research

This is the most reliable, but at the same time the most complex method for determining the presence of nicotine or its metabolic products in the human body. This is also the most expensive and slowest method. Hair may be tested in cases where the results of the main analysis are questionable. The advantage of this analysis is that hair can retain residues of nicotine, cotinine and other breakdown products for three months.

How long will the smell of tobacco last in your mouth?

Smokers are interested in how long it takes for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from their mouth. If the process of smoking cigarettes is not frequent, then everything will take 2 hours. This is exactly what the body needs to erase the effects of smoking. However, the “aroma” will not go away completely; asthmatics and hypersensitive people will be able to feel it even after a day.

Before an important meeting or event, you need to figure out how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth, and then use proven methods.

Time frame for odor dissipation

The trail of tobacco aroma sticks to many things, trails behind the smoker or even hovers with people nearby. It takes time for it to disappear naturally without auxiliary procedures.

From clothes

It depends on where the wardrobe item is located:

  • behind cabinet doors - it can stay for several days;
  • in open space - up to 5 hours (it is important to consider the material);
  • outdoors - from 30 to 120 minutes.

If you are wondering how long a smoker’s clothes will stink on him, then there is no definite answer. Associated factors play a significant role: frequency of smoking, whether a person is on the street or in a room, etc. The smell risks remaining on the item until the next wash.

From the car

A small enclosed space where people smoke regularly will absorb the stench from the upholstery and things that are kept there all the time. To get rid of it, you will have to try. At speed and with the windows open, the fresh smell of cigarette smoke will quickly dissipate.

From hand

If you do not wash your hands, then after a few hours they will stop smelling, but provided that during this time there is no additional contact with tobacco products or cigarette smoke.

From the mouth

If you do not smoke often, then after 2 hours the bad aroma on your breath will disappear. During this period, the body independently gets rid of the consequences of the addiction. But it will disappear completely only for a beginner or someone trying a cigarette for the first time. The amber from an experienced nicotine addict can be smelled by people with asthma or a hypersensitive sense of smell.

From the apartment

In a room that is not ventilated, the smell will not disappear even after a week. If you open the windows wide open, do a wet cleaning and clean the furniture, not a trace will remain of it. Under normal conditions, with the window open but the door closed and a large amount of tissue present, it lasts up to a day.

It is worth understanding that the smell of cigarettes does not disappear on its own. It either washes off, washes off, or disappears. But if you make every effort, a thing spoiled by tobacco aroma will be fresh again, and the hands and breath of the smoker will not give away its owner.

Eliminating cigarette odor: what is important to consider?

A heavy smoker who does not want to give up his bad habit, but wants to know how to eliminate the smell of cigarettes from his mouth, must adhere to simple rules:

  • Do not seize the “process” with mint chewing gum. Menthol mixes with tobacco smoke to form a foul-smelling combination.
  • Use sugar-free chewing gum. It becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and microbes, which a smoker already has in abundance.
  • Before an important meeting, change your clothes. Tobacco smoke envelops a person, saturates the material and even the hair and skin.

How to get rid of tobacco smell from your mouth?

There are several proven ways to eliminate cigarette odor from your mouth. The best advice smokers can get is to quit smoking completely. However, few will try to take advantage of it. The fight against unpleasant tobacco odor can be quite successful. For this purpose, hygiene products and a group of products can be used.

Hygiene issue

How to get rid of the smell of smoking from your mouth using affordable means? Dentists advise brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day. However, a smoker can use toothpaste and brush more often if he has the opportunity. For the cleaning procedure to be as effective as possible, you should:

  • Choose the right toothbrush. Smokers are advised to choose medium-hard bristles. The size and shape are selected individually. Additionally, there should be rubberized bristles on the back side - they are used to clean the tongue and cheeks from yellow plaque.
  • Change your toothbrush at least once every 2-3 months.
  • Additionally, choose medicated toothpaste, which is recommended to be used 2-3 times a week. Often such compositions include decoctions and extracts of herbs, honey, propolis, etc.
  • You need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, performing gentle circular movements.


How to hide the smell of cigarettes from your mouth? Use some food! Healthy ingredients help reduce odor and support the body. Some products can enhance the smell of tobacco, while others can interrupt or weaken it. It is recommended to eat:

  • Yogurt without sugar;
  • Nuts;
  • Seeds;
  • Parsley;
  • Anise, fennel, cloves;
  • Apple and carrots, other vegetables and fruits.

Don’t forget about water, which helps moisten the mouth and partially wash away the tar.

Along with permitted products, there are also restrictions. They relate to the use of:

  • Soda and coffee;
  • Alcohol and pure milk;
  • Onions and garlic;
  • Hot drinks, spicy, sour, salty dishes.

The aroma of some products in combination with the smell of tobacco often becomes unbearable!

Water in the diet

There is no need to talk about the importance and benefits of life-giving moisture. But few people know how to get rid of the smell of tobacco from the mouth with water. It will not completely eliminate the unpleasant odor of tobacco, but in sufficient quantities it will prevent the development of various pathologies and dangerous processes. It is water that makes it possible:

  • Clear your mouth of bacteria.
  • Moisturize the mucous membrane.
  • Regulate body temperature.
  • Promote the rapid removal of toxins and poisons from the body.
  • Dissolve salts.
  • Cleanse deposits from joints and blood vessels.

How to remove the smell of smoke from your mouth with water? Drink a lot after smoking a cigarette, as well as after eating and when thirsty. It generally becomes an indicator of a lack of life-giving moisture. It is known that a lack of water in the body can lead to death (if the required level is reduced by a quarter).

Household tricks

Many people are interested in the question of how to remove the smell of cigarettes from a room in a few hours. In this regard, housewives prefer to trust traditional methods, which absorb tobacco vapors in a matter of seconds.

White vinegar

Place cups of white vinegar in the corners of the room where the cigarette smell lingers. This method will take effect in 20-30 minutes. Then ventilate the room and use the above tips to be on the safe side.


Charcoal also absorbs odors, and if you have a similar ignition tool in your home, use it in your home for its indirect purpose. Within 1 hour the smell will be absorbed, however, you will have to throw away several used bars.

Napkins for scenting laundry

How to eliminate the smell of cigarettes in a room without resorting to using liquid detergents? It is enough to lay out napkins to scent and soften the laundry. Choose those that have a lemon flavor or wild berry or fruit extract.

Boiling water

Boil water, spread the boiling liquid around the room in a saucepan, and then add lemon slices or other citrus fruit. It will absorb odor faster than any detergent.

Tip: Now you know how to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from a room, where you can use several products at the same time. You can also create a household method for cleaning rooms from odors with your own hands by choosing the one that is most convenient for you from the above list.

How to quickly get rid of cigarette smoke from your mouth?

Several available products and hygiene products can provide immediate assistance in getting rid of bad breath from smoking. If time is running out, and you feel like smoking unbearably, you can kill the unpleasant aroma:

  • Parsley.
  • Dry black tea leaves. They should be chewed.
  • Refreshing sprays with fruity, but not menthol and mint aromas.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Carrot or apple.
  • Zira or cumin grains.

These are available components for emergency use. However, they are not able to completely solve the smoker's problem.

Simple rules for a heavy smoker

When deciding how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth, you can pay attention to flavored cigarettes, but not menthol ones! Reducing your daily cigarette consumption is another option. Additionally, please note that:

  • White tobacco is more harmful to the body than black tobacco.
  • Getting rid of the stench of tobacco should be comprehensive. Additionally, eliminate the smoke screen in the car interior, from hair, from clothes.
  • You should refrain from smoking in public places.
  • You can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by setting a daily limit.

Getting rid of tobacco odor from your mouth is much easier than forgetting about cigarettes altogether. There are many remedies, but the best is to give up a bad habit.

bad breath should not attract the attention of other people during close contact. A bad sour smell occurs in smokers.

It intensifies in the fresh air and when going outside .

Smoke is very acrid, so you need to know how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from your mouth or how to eliminate it.

How to refresh clothes

All of a smoker's belongings also emit cigarette smoke, especially those that he wears daily. There are several ways to refresh a wardrobe item.


It helps if the smell is not too strong. You need to hang the product in the fresh air, preferably in the sun.

Important: you should be careful with synthetic items that can fade or become deformed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.


If regular wet cleaning does not solve the problem and the unpleasant odor remains on the item, you need to repeat the procedure, but adding Calgon to the washing powder. It softens the water and removes all extraneous odors.


Steam treatment during ironing or using a special device will refresh the item of clothing, depriving it of any odors. The main thing is not to use tap water, but distilled water. At the same time, get rid of creases on the sleeves.

Vacuum cleaner

It will help if the smell remains from small particles of tobacco that are lost in the folds of clothing. You need to vacuum at minimum power, making sure that the item is not pulled into the device, otherwise it can be irrevocably damaged.

Peppermint in bags

Just put it in your pockets and place it between your things in the closet. The aroma will “stick” firmly to the textiles.

Tobacco spray

Does the job perfectly. Use according to the instructions on the package.


You should lay the item out on a horizontal plane and light smoldering incense sticks nearby. The stench from cigarettes will be replaced by the pleasant, favorite smell of incense.

Important: you need to make sure that no one knocks over the hot ashes and gets them on the fabric.

Causes of bad breath in smokers

Keep in mind! Smoking affects the duration of fresh breath. There are many reasons for unpleasant amber.

It usually doesn't smell like tobacco or cigarettes. The smoker's mouth exudes the scent of something sour and musty.

You don’t want to get closer than half a meter to such a person. Usually the smoker himself is aware that he smells bad.

When smoking, smoke comes into contact with the oral mucosa, tongue and teeth.

All surfaces retain particles of tar and nicotine.

Rinsing may not remove all of these particles completely.

Smoking changes the acidity of saliva and leads to improper functioning.

Saliva is yellow in color and has an unpleasant odor.

It could also be:

  1. Infection - wounds form in the oral cavity, which provoke an unpleasant odor, as well as discomfort.
  2. Adding protein after meals. Poor oral care increases the likelihood of millions of bacteria multiplying.
  3. Diet – excluding carbohydrates from the diet can cause an unpleasant odor. Since when following a diet, the body begins the process of getting rid of fat. It produces ketones, which have an unpleasant odor.
  4. Dry mouth. Saliva cleanses the mouth, removing small pieces of food, which become the main sources of odor from the oral cavity. It occurs when there is not enough saliva in the mouth. A smoker's cavity dries out much more often.
  5. Traffic jams in the tonsils . Tonsilloliths are formations that can cause an unpleasant odor.
  6. Acid reflex. Due to the outflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, throat and oral cavity, not only bad breath can occur, but also heartburn and problems with swallowing. This often leads to nausea and decreased appetite. Only a gastroenterologist can prescribe therapy.

What to do first?

An unpleasant smell not only spoils your mood, but also causes self-doubt.

Keep in mind! If we are talking about a disease, then it is the doctor who must prescribe treatment.

If the situation is less serious, you can try the following methods:

  1. Change brushes once to three times a month . A lot of bacteria form on the brush. Be sure to brush your mouth with dental floss and brush your tongue.
  2. After eating or smoking, be sure to rinse your mouth .
  3. Use dental floss. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use a small piece of paper from a clean plastic bag. It needs to be pulled between the teeth and plaque removed.

Oral hygiene to minimize the unpleasant symptoms of smoking

To minimize bad breath, you should always take care of your teeth. Change the brush regularly , choose a softness of at least medium.

To minimize the smell, you can choose light flavored cigarettes and gradually begin to reduce their quantity .

This will not only reduce the harm of smoking, but also solve the problem itself. Menthol exacerbates the toxicity of the elements.

Light tobacco is more harmful than black tobacco. To produce such tobacco, many dyes and preservatives are added.

Remember! Heavy smokers should adhere to the basic rules of oral hygiene:

  1. Brushing your teeth after smoking. It is recommended to brush your teeth after smoking with special toothpastes for smokers. The process should take from 5 to 7 minutes. It is advisable to choose pasta with a high calcium content.
  2. Rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash. After each cigarette, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash. It is better to choose mint or citrus flavored. You need to buy preventive rinses that do not contain active ingredients and their effect is aimed at cleansing the oral cavity.
  3. Cleaning the tongue. Most of the microflora is located on the surface of the tongue. It is necessary to clean your tongue twice a day with a regular teaspoon, carefully removing the plaque towards the tip of the tongue.
  4. Chewing gum. After smoking, it is better to chew illuminating chewing gum . Chewing gum should not be chewed for more than five minutes. If you use it longer, this will lead to the release of gastric juice into the empty stomach, which will contribute to the development of stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  5. Anti-policeman. Particularly popular is the anti-police lollipop; it can remove the smell for a long time . This is a biologically active mouth freshener. It contains eucalyptus oil, glucose, sucrose, gum arabic, ammonium chloride.

It is worth noting! You can create a few simple rules for yourself, for example, plan a certain amount of cigarettes, stop smoking in public places.

Factors influencing the time it takes for nicotine to be eliminated from the body

From the above information it becomes clear that:

  • cotinine is detectable within two weeks;
  • Nicotine can be detected on the first day after smoking.

But these terms can change - increase or, conversely, decrease. Exactly how long the period of nicotine removal from the body will be depends on:

  • smoking frequency;

  • quality of tobacco products;
  • number of cigarettes smoked per day;
  • strength of the tobacco product;
  • method of using tobacco;
  • age and health status of the person;
  • genetic and racial characteristics;
  • functioning of the kidneys and liver.

It has been noticed that in people over 60-65 years of age, cleansing occurs more slowly. The same can be said for patients with severe kidney disease, liver disease, blacks and Asians. The female body is freed from smoking poisons faster than the male body.

Nicotine leaves the human body through:

  • lungs;
  • saliva;
  • urine;
  • skin.

The main burden during its neutralization and “disposal” falls on the kidneys. They have to transform waste products so that they can penetrate into urine. Very often, in case of kidney diseases, trace residues of alkaloids are found unchanged in the urine.

It also happens that smokers turn out to be children who have just recently been born. This is possible if a breastfeeding woman smokes. Then the toxic component, along with the milk, penetrates into the children's bloodstream . It turns out that the mother is poisoning not only herself, but also the newborn.

Medicines that change the rate of elimination of tobacco products

If a smoker takes certain medications, his metabolic rate may change. Thus, “Rifampicin” and “Phenobarbital” accelerate the elimination of the tobacco component, while “Ketoconazole” and “Amplodipine”, on the contrary, reduce it. People who smoke should take this into account so as not to harm their health even more.

Diet to get rid of bad odor

If you want to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, first of all you need to reconsider your diet.

If you have any doubts about the benefits of the product, you should consult a specialist.

During the season you need to consume more live fiber .

Try not to eat fatty meat, lard and other foods that are difficult to digest.


Stay up to date! To avoid an unpleasant odor, you can have a snack between meals every 2-3 hours. It is advisable to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

The aroma of oranges, lemons and tangerines works instantly. It is enough to eat a small piece of lemon or a slice of orange.

Hard vegetables and fruits, such as are especially useful , and nuts are also useful . If you have a strong desire to smoke, you can eat a small handful of nuts.

What drinks can help?

Pure water removes tar and toxins from the body well.

And fermented milk products such as yogurt and snow improve intestinal microflora and normalize breathing.

What drinks and foods will worsen the situation?

Strong hot drinks ( tea and coffee), alcohol greatly dries out the oral mucosa and, on the contrary, worsens bad breath.

Milk produces a rotting smell. Unpleasant odor is caused by sour juices and fresh juices.

It is better to give up sweet, starchy, spicy and too salty foods .

Need to know! By removing these products, you can normalize your intestines and get rid of bad breath. Don't forget about the rules of hygiene.


  1. Metabolism of a substance
  2. Blood analysis
  3. Analysis of urine
  4. Factors influencing the time of removal of nicotine from the body 4.1. Medicines that change the rate of elimination of tobacco products
  5. How to speed up the elimination of nicotine from the body

When smoking, some of the nicotine is retained in the blood and tissues. It is thanks to this that doctors can conduct tests and determine whether the patient smokes or not. During such tests, various biological fluids are used - urine, blood, saliva. Sometimes doctors take samples of hair and even nails for examination. Let's consider what time it takes to completely remove nicotine from the body and how you can influence this process.

General recommendations for prevention

kill the bad smell with coffee beans, mint leaves or bay leaves.

Stay up to date! Cough lozenges are used not only to treat throat infections, but also to eliminate unpleasant odor.

The lollipops contain aromatic and refreshing ingredients. You can alternate them with chewing gum or antiseptic lozenges without sugar.

It is necessary to visit the dentist's office once every six months . The doctor will remove old plaque and tartar.

Knowing these simple ways you can easily get rid of bad breath.

This will help avoid problems in the future, since cigarettes worsen not only the condition of the teeth, but also the lips and mucous membranes.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to remove the smell of cigarettes from a smoker’s mouth:

The only option to remove the unpleasant odor is to quit smoking.

Other methods only reduce the unpleasant odor.

After some time, a person will feel many pleasant smells that he could not smell due to his addiction.

Smoking is very dangerous to health and leads not only to lung cancer, but also to other cardiovascular diseases.

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