Generalized periodontitis: symptoms and treatment Periodontitis is a very common pathology of periodontal tissues (soft tissue structures
Ameloblastoma is a type of tumor that appears in the human oral cavity. This disease affects the lower jaw
All tissues of the oral cavity, both teeth and gums, are interconnected and naturally
12/10/2019 The main carriers of information for humans are signals that are generated by the senses and delivered to
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in various fields of medicine. Several years ago, scientists stated
About the method Indications Advantages and disadvantages Prices Doctors Reviews Piezosurgery is a modern trend
Crest is a toothpaste that is one of the most effective in the pursuit of snow-white
Dental treatment in childhood is in many cases accompanied by local anesthesia, as a result
G.B. Lyubomirsky, dentist-therapist, periodontist, dental surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IGMA
First of all, we note that the price for treating pulpitis of a three-channel tooth really depends on the quantity