A patient with facial nerve neuritis can be recognized immediately: squinted eyes, mouth, crooked smile, change
Dental implantation is one of the best methods of restoring lost teeth and allows you to completely restore
What kind of drug is this “Articaine” (or Articaine in Latin) - this is a drug for local1
Teeth go numb quite often. The cause of the symptom is the trigeminal nerve (nervus trigeminus). More precisely, its damage
The dream book identifies milk teeth with childhood and conditions inherent in adolescence. Interpretations, why
1219 Malocclusion is an abnormal development of the dentofacial apparatus. It negatively affects the chewing
From this article you will learn: how to whiten teeth at home and without harm, professional systems
The appearance of a baby’s first milk tooth is an important event for the whole family, because it
Also watch: Important questions about anesthesia and sedationTeeth extraction under sedationCost of sedationWhat is medication
Prices for anesthesia Specialists Modern anesthesia in dentistry guarantees complete anesthesia for the entire duration