Molar teeth and their features
Molars (6, 7 and 8 teeth) – where they are located, what structural features they have
Operating elements of the Kois deprogrammer
Kois deprogrammer - a progressive approach to restoring functional occlusion
An evidence-based and reasonable approach to treatment is the basis for organizing dental care. It means that
X-ray of a child’s jaw with baby teeth: features of the procedure
Types There are several types of occlusion anomalies; in pediatric orthodontics, there are six. The following types are distinguished:
dental treatment for children under sedation
The child is afraid of the dentist. Possible solution: treatment under anesthesia
Types of pediatric anesthesia How does it work? Signs of proper sedation Drugs Indications Contraindications Possible complications Alternatives
Plaque indicators. What are they and why can’t you do without them?
One of the most common causes of oral diseases is dental plaque, or rather
Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer
Decasan for inhalation 0.2 mg/ml 2 ml vial. N10 - Instructions
Rating: 5 / 5 Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of colds and viruses
Rice. 1 a. Signs of malignancy.
Abrasive precancerous (precancrosis) Manganotti cheilitis
Cheilitis is a disease and inflammation that is expressed by damage to the lips (“cheilitis on the lips”), more precisely
Runny nose when teething
Runny nose during teething - what to do to eliminate the problem
The child’s body at all stages on the way to growing up goes through a lot of crises and undergoes
Dental hygiene indices - Hygiene indices in dentistry
Oral hygiene index: the real picture of dental health
Oral hygiene is one of the most accessible and at the same time one of the
Why do you need a tongue brush? How to use it correctly?
In the modern world of the cult of beauty and health, a person’s desire for
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