Surgical treatment for pathology of the tonsils in childhood. What is the amygdala?
If you go to the mirror and open your mouth wide, you can see two formations that
Sealing teeth in children
Dental fissure sealing - what is it and why is it necessary?
Sealing is the filling of the grooves in the teeth with a special composition that allows you to block reproduction in them.
Performing premedication as prescribed by a doctor
Premedication during chemotherapy in a broad sense is required for everyone starting a cycle, because it allows you to speed up
Oral diseases in adults - photos, symptoms
Uncontrolled use of potent drugs and antibiotics; Weakened immunity; Presence of AIDS, HIV; Inflammatory processes
How can I find out which clinic the house belongs to?
Primary and secondary health care specialists see citizens in clinics that are listed according to a specific
The structure of human teeth
A child’s teeth are growing in two rows: is it necessary to do something?
Every person goes through the stages of the eruption of the first teeth, the development of milk teeth and their subsequent replacement
Pus in the throat
How to get rid of tonsil blockages yourself at home
Purulent plugs in the throat are a sign of untreated acute tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. If
Piercing under the upper lip (smiley) on the frenulum. Photos, consequences, reviews
Piercing under the upper lip (smiley) on the frenulum. Photos, consequences, reviews
Piercing using the Smile technique is a piercing of the frenulum under the upper lip. The name comes from
The structure of the human throat and larynx - functions, anatomy, pharynx, larynx, trachea: photos with descriptions, diseases, pathologies, injuries
Speech is a complex motor skill implemented by a large number of anatomical structures. The structure of the human vocal apparatus
Alveoli in the mouth
Pulmonary alveolitis: symptoms and treatment, classification
The term “alveoli” in dentistry refers to the anatomical pits located in the upper and lower jaws and
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