What is the difference between Damon Q braces and Damon 3MX braces?

Damon Clear and Damon Q bracket systems are the development of the famous American company Ormco.

This manufacturer of orthodontic structures has been on the market for more than 45 years, and the Damon series is recognized as one of the most effective and reliable among ligature-free braces today.

The main feature of Damon systems is the absence of a ligature. Instead of ligatures (small rubber bands) designed to secure the arch in the grooves of the bracket, clasps are used. This fastening system is called Spin Tek and was patented by Ormco.

Thanks to its use, the size of the braces is reduced, which means the patient will not feel discomfort from the friction of the structure against the mucous membranes of the oral cavity throughout the entire period of treatment.

Damon Q braces: how do they differ from conventional braces?

Classic braces systems consist of three elements: the braces themselves, which are attached to the teeth, a corrective arch that applies pressure, and ligatures—fastening elements that connect the braces and the arch. Miniature rubber rings are most often used as a ligature, but sometimes it can be a thin wire. The ligature rigidly fixes the arch in the grooves, pressing it tightly to the bracket.

Damon Q metal braces do not require ligatures: the fastening element is already built into the bracket and is a miniature lock that securely fixes the arch and can be easily opened if necessary. Such locks are a proprietary development of Ormco, and the entire system is called non-ligating, or self-ligating. This design allows Daimon Q braces to eliminate many of the disadvantages of classical systems.

  1. Due to the absence of ligatures, the design is much smaller in size and feels more comfortable in the mouth. Thanks to the streamlined shape of the locks, the mucous membrane is not injured.
  2. Damon Q braces work on the principle of passive self-ligation, that is, they do not rigidly fix the arch, but allow it to slide in the grooves. This reduces friction and redistributes the load on the teeth, making it more even, and reduces pain.
  3. Damon Q affects not only teeth and bone tissue, but also the patient’s facial muscles, thereby enhancing the effect of treatment and reducing its duration.
  4. Maintenance is simplified: Damon Q self-ligating braces do not have additional fasteners, and food is less likely to get stuck in them.
  5. The number of control visits to the orthodontist and their duration are reduced. If the rubber rings stretch and require monthly replacement, the locks do not lose their properties throughout the entire period of treatment, and a doctor’s intervention is only required to install a new arch, which only takes 15-20 minutes.

System Features

In this case, the arch is not tied to closed braces - they hold it themselves. The arc is free, passive and unrestrained.

Outwardly, these braces are unremarkable, but upon closer examination it is clear that their size is smaller than those traditionally used, there are no wires or elastic bands, and the arch has a small lock. This design is more aesthetic, elegant and comfortable.

Characteristically there is a slight pressure between the groove and the arc. The result is weak forces providing movement. Orthodontists believe that the impact occurs through the muscles of the cheeks and lips. If muscle tone is normal, then teeth move freely. Moreover, if necessary, teeth from the lateral part of the dentition can be moved back without the use of additional devices.

The next feature is the multivariate movement of each tooth. Depending on the initial position, the doctor chooses the most appropriate option. Thus, treatment takes place according to an individual program, the doctor works taking into account the specific situation.

The arc is held on special, securely fastened clasps, which provide optimal pressure distribution, simplify the installation process and reduce activation time. The system uses universal arcs. They are the same for the lower and upper jaw, but their use allows you to create the correct shape of the dentition, expanding it if necessary. This is the result of the interaction of the apparatus with the muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dimon Q braces

The advent of the Damon Q self-ligating brace system was a real breakthrough in orthodontics. Patients quickly “tried out” the comfortable technology and appreciated its advantages:

  • easy adaptation after installing braces;
  • reduction of treatment time by 20-30% compared to ligature systems;
  • the ability to cope even with severe pathologies;
  • easy care.

But Damon Q braces also have disadvantages. When choosing this system, you should be prepared for the following:

  • braces will be noticeable on the teeth;
  • For correct installation, a highly qualified doctor will be required;
  • the price of Damon Q braces will be higher than that of ligature systems.

Benefits of use

  • The first results will be noticeable faster than when wearing other braces.
  • If there is severe crowding of the teeth, then it may be necessary to resort to extraction to avoid atrophy and tissue resorption. But the need for this measure arises much less frequently than when using traditional systems.
  • The braces system adds comfort and aesthetic appearance. This is facilitated by the small size, elegant appearance and rounded corners.
  • The device is less noticeable and does not injure the oral mucosa.
  • In many cases, the system allows you to correct situations with a lack of space that are hopeless for other systems - in children and adults. As a result, the smile and facial proportions improve.
  • Treatment times are reduced on average.
  • During the correction process, pain is minimal.
  • There are no age restrictions. The duration of correction is the same for patients of different age categories.
  • The need to visit a doctor is reduced, the interval between visits increases.
  • The quality of hygienic care does not deteriorate.
  • The periodontal condition is improving.
  • The treatment provides excellent aesthetic results.
  • The need to visit the orthodontist is approximately doubled. The time spent in the office is also reduced, since there is no need to remove the entire device. The doctor simply opens the lock and closes it.
  • Less often there is a need to use additional devices.
  • Smooth contours reduce the likelihood of mucous membrane chafing.
  • The wearing process is pleasant and painless.

Indications and contraindications for installing Daimon Q braces

The design of Damon Q metal self-ligating braces allows you to correct any malocclusion. If necessary, the system can be equipped with additional elements (for example, hooks) to correct even the most serious pathologies.

The Damon Q bracket system has few contraindications. These include:

  • caries and other oral diseases;
  • the presence of crowns and/or implants in large quantities;
  • allergic reactions (rare, since the braces are made of hypoallergenic steel);
  • severe systemic diseases.

Uniqueness of the technology:

Currently, there are several types of self-ligating braces, but all of them are active; the covers in these braces tightly fix the arch.

Dr. Damon's brace system is the only passive, self-ligating system, and his treatment philosophy has been called "revolutionary" because it provides tremendous benefits for the patient and physician.

The small size of the Damon system allows us to say with confidence that this system will receive even greater development and will win the love of patients. This system is based on a low-force orthodontic mechanism, which allows you to obtain an excellent therapeutic effect with minimal mechanical impact on the tooth.

All braces of the Damon family are self-ligating braces, or in other words, self-adjusting braces. This amazing effect is achieved due to the structure of the braces and their arches. The arch of Damon braces is capable of making sliding movements in the grooves of the braces and purposefully determining exactly those areas of the teeth in which the load needs to be increased and in which to reduce it.

How is the Damon Q bracket system installed?

Any braces system puts a strain on the enamel and increases the risk of developing caries, which means that Damon Q braces are installed only on completely healthy teeth. Therefore, in most cases, installation of the system is preceded by dental treatment: filling, elimination of inflammation, professional cleaning and other manipulations. Only after the oral cavity has been completely sanitized can you begin installing Diamond Q braces. It is done in 3 steps.

1. Diagnostic procedures and treatment planning.

At this stage, the patient undergoes an orthopantogram and impressions are taken. Based on the data obtained, a model of the jaw is created, and the doctor can plan the process of moving the teeth. The power arc of the required rigidity is selected.

2. System installation.

Braces are glued to the teeth using special dental cement. Then the doctor passes a power arc through the slots and snaps the locks. From this moment, the arch begins to transfer tension to the teeth, thereby stimulating their movement in the desired direction. At first, the patient may experience some discomfort from this, but addiction occurs quite quickly.

3. Control and correction.

Getting Damon Q braces is just the beginning. As the teeth shift, the tension in the archwire gradually weakens, so regular replacement of this element is required. The frequency of replacement is determined by the doctor, and the process itself, thanks to the locks, takes no more than half an hour.

How arcs are changed

The length of time you use braces depends on your bite. The more it is curved and the more complex the pathology, the more time you will have to wear the product. As a rule, Damon Clear is used for at least 8 months.

Of course, you will have to visit the orthodontist so that he can replace the wires. The frequency is determined individually, according to your treatment plan. During the visit, the orthodontist checks how much the bite has changed, then removes the arches and places new ones. This is not very difficult - all he needs to do is open the locks, remove the metal wire and insert a new one. Sometimes you can do without replacement - just adjust the tension force.

How to care for Damon Q self-ligating braces

The compact size of Damon Q braces and the absence of fasteners make them easier to wear and care for - food contaminates the structure much less. But nevertheless, like classic ligature braces, regular hygiene is required, otherwise caries may develop and the enamel may be destroyed. To prevent this from happening, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • It is necessary to brush your teeth after every meal;
  • thoroughly clean the locks and power arc from food debris;
  • use special tools - a brush and a V-shaped toothbrush;
  • Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss;
  • It is best to complete hygiene procedures with the help of an irrigator;
  • Avoid excessively viscous and hard foods. The latter can cause the braces to come off.

Examples of work “Before” and “After”

Correction of bite with Invisalign aligners
Problem: the patient is not satisfied with the aesthetics of the teeth in the front row, narrowing of the upper and lower jaws, after examination, caries and the presence of dental deposits were revealed Work: the Invisalign method was chosen for treatment (dental guards on both jaws), comprehensive cleaning of plaque and stone, caries treatment Time: 36 weeks Cost: treatment with invisalign aligners - 160,000 rubles.

Overbite correction with Aspire ceramic braces

Problem: the patient complained of gaps between teeth.

Overbite correction with Damon Clear braces

Problem: a 27-year-old patient complained of severe crooked teeth in both jaws.

Cost of Damon Q braces

One of the disadvantages of Damon Q metal braces is the price. Compared to ligature systems, treatment with self-ligating braces is significantly more expensive. But the high price of Damon Q braces is completely justified, because they are not only more comfortable to wear, but can also reduce the duration of treatment by almost a third.

In Moscow, the price of Damon Q braces starts from 50,000 rubles per jaw. It is worth considering that orthodontic treatment almost always affects both jaws, which means the amount will need to be doubled. On average, the price of Daimon Q braces for one jaw is 80,000 - 90,000 rubles, but the doctor will be able to name the exact price only after an in-person consultation.

Removing the structure

To disassemble the structure, the arch is carefully separated from the apparatus, then the staples are sharpened one by one with tweezers and the glue is removed. It is important to ensure that cavities do not form under the braces during use. If they are detected, they are subject to mandatory treatment.

A retainer is placed on the inside of the teeth - a thread that fixes the teeth in the new correct position. This is done to ensure that deformation does not resume after the system is removed.

Often, after removing braces, a whitening procedure is also necessary, since the color of the teeth may change under braces.

Caring for the Damon Bite Correction Device

Each of the devices for correcting malocclusion requires regular cleaning of pieces of food and plaque. However, in this system, the absence of ligatures, in some way, facilitates and simplifies the procedure, reducing its duration by a couple of minutes. Thus, cleaning Damon and other self-ligating devices takes about 8 minutes, while ordinary ligating systems take 10 minutes or more to clean. If it is not possible to devote so much time to hygienic procedures for braces, then aligners should be preferred to braces. Regarding the statement that only Damon is not susceptible to oxidative processes, not only is this system inert in relation to the internal environment of the body. All variations, without exception, are made from materials that do not interact with the acid-base balance of the oral cavity and prevent chemical reactions from occurring.

Cost of Clear braces

Damon systems are not the cheapest solution. This needs to be understood. You pay for aesthetics, efficiency and reliability. And also - for the qualified work of the orthodontist, who will bear full responsibility for the condition of your bite throughout the entire treatment.

In the Uni Dent network of clinics, Damon systems cost from 56 thousand rubles. The price depends on many factors: the complexity of the case, the characteristics of the bite and many others. The final amount will be determined after a thorough diagnosis.

You will not regret your decision: we employ professionals in the field of orthodontics and dentistry, and only the best systems are used to correct the bite. We will give you a beautiful and straight smile in just a few visits!

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