Pros and cons of dental implants, description of the procedure

If a person loses one or more teeth for one reason or another, he has two alternative options. This is classic prosthetics and implantation. The last method is relatively new. Each option can only be used under certain conditions. If the tooth is so destroyed that there is not even a root left in the gum tissue, it will not be possible to install a classic denture. The prosthesis will not be able to hold on without a base. For certain indications it is prescribed and dental implantation. Advantages and disadvantages

This technique will be discussed further.

To carry out implantation, the presence of a tooth in the operated area is not allowed. What is dental implantation?

More about manipulation

Implantation is carried out in several stages. First, the doctor implants an artificial root into the gum. Here in the future he will install a prosthesis. It takes a certain amount of time for the implant to heal. During this period, it is clear whether the body will accept the implant or reject it.

Once the healing period has passed, the dentist installs a crown. It must completely match the appearance of neighboring teeth. This applies not only to shape, but also to color. Before implantation, the patient visits a dentist and a therapist with various specializations. If at least a couple of months have passed since the tooth was removed, you can begin prosthetics. After this period, the bone tissue of the jaw, as well as the gums, are restored.

In what cases is implantation performed?

Implantation is indicated for the restoration of any number of teeth; traditional prosthetics is limited.

Indications for implant installation:

  • The absence of one tooth concerns the front, chewing tooth on the lower or upper jaw.
  • Included defect is the loss of several teeth with single or long intervals in any part of the dentition.
  • End defect - removal of the outer teeth on one or both sides of the jaw.
  • Complete edentia is the loss of the entire dentition on the jaw.

Positive and negative sides

There are different pros and cons of dental implants. Reviews

patients testify that much depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the body. Today, an implant is the only option that fully meets the requirements of aesthetics and functionality. Compared to removable dentures, it prevents further bone loss. It fits tightly into the bones. The aesthetic qualities of the gums are not affected. A high-quality implant can withstand the stress that occurs during chewing food. Thus, all its characteristics coincide with the characteristics of real human teeth.

Another advantage that should be mentioned is the absence of discomfort after the installation and further use of implants by the patient. This cannot be said about clasp and plastic dentures. It is uncomfortable for a person to eat food with removable dentures, especially food that requires effort when chewing. To install a clasp prosthesis, you will have to pay the same price as for implantation. Plastic structures are of worse quality, although cheaper.

Speaking about bridges, we mean the structures necessary to eliminate the included defects. What does it mean? A bridge is not suitable for the treatment of adentia, that is, the complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. It looks unaesthetic and is also inconvenient for the patient. When installing, the doctor does not focus on the individual characteristics of the teeth. That's why the structure doesn't work properly, it wobbles, and food particles keep getting under it. Sometimes the teeth located under the crowns rot. An unpleasant odor can be identified from the external manifestations of the process. After this, the bridge breaks.

Different types of dental implants: pros and cons

have the appropriate ones, but they are still better than a traditional removable denture.

What is cheaper: an implant or a prosthesis?

In addition to the implant itself, the cost of placing an implant also includes the cost of surgery, anesthesia, postoperative manipulations and examinations. In each specific case, the implant surgeon makes an individual cost calculation at a consultation appointment. The crown for the implant can be made of different materials: metal-ceramics, metal-free ceramics, zirconium dioxide - the cost is also calculated based on the clinical situation and the wishes of the patient. Bone grafting can make the procedure more expensive; the need for it is assessed based on the results of 3D diagnostics of the maxillofacial area. Clasp dentures and bridges will not cost much more if additional preparation of supporting teeth is required, and do not forget about the costs of their regular replacement. A removable denture for both jaws is cheaper, but the patient will have to change it annually.

Dental implants – pros and cons


  1. Durability is the main argument in favor of dental implants.
  2. Adjacent teeth, ground using outdated techniques, are not affected during implantation. They were and remain healthy.
  3. The jaw bones experience stress as if they were natural teeth. Artificial roots are subjected to natural, and therefore correct, load. That is why deformation and resorption of bone tissue are not observed. This means that the patient will be protected from such unpleasant consequences as malocclusion, headaches, and changes in the shape of the face.
  4. The appearance of the dentition is another plus. It looks natural, since the implant with prosthesis imitates a natural tooth.
  5. Implantation allows you to restore not only one, but also several teeth.
  6. Thanks to implantation, a person can chew solid food again.
  7. Standard care. It is enough to brush your teeth 2 times a day.
  8. What is important is that the person does not experience the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity. That's why the chewing process is natural and effortless.
  9. The load carried by the lost tooth is restored. This relieves the surrounding teeth.
  10. Installation of implants requires a minimum number of visits to the doctor.
  11. The doctor changes the crown if necessary.
  12. The implants are convenient to use. There is no need to remove them for oral hygiene.
  13. The patient has a wide choice of implantation techniques.
  14. The survival rate of the material is good.

As you can see, dental implantation provides patients with many benefits. Advantages and disadvantages

, described in this article, may confuse someone, but the technique is still considered the most modern and high-quality in dentistry today.

Rehabilitation period

After installation of the artificial root, a rehabilitation period begins, which is quite painful for the patient.

Symptoms that occur during the rehabilitation period:

  • severe pain in the oral cavity;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the gums;
  • bleeding from gum tissue;
  • increase in body temperature.

If the outcome is favorable, all of the above symptoms disappear a few days after the procedure. If relief does not occur, the pain intensifies, purulent discharge or other unfavorable symptoms appear, the patient needs to urgently visit the attending physician, as these signs indicate the addition of a bacterial infection.

Negative sides

Let’s continue listing the pros and cons of dental implantation. Reviews

They can tell you a lot, but no matter how perfect the technique is, there will definitely be at least one dissatisfied patient.

During implantation, the doctor uses a biologically inert material - titanium. It has unique properties and ensures maximum survival of bone tissue. But despite this, allergies to titanium still occur, although rarely. This indicates the individual characteristics of the body, and not the poor work of the doctor. The qualifications of a dentist are certainly important. But no doctor can give a 100% guarantee.

If you meet a highly qualified implantologist, he will pay maximum attention to the condition of your body, the presence of concomitant diseases and other factors that can affect the success of the operation. With a high probability, the manipulation performed by such a doctor will result in implant engraftment and restoration of chewing and aesthetic functions. By the way, patients who are not suitable for titanium do not have to refuse implantation. They are offered an alternative option - zirconium oxide.

Implantation means surgery. This means that some painful sensations cannot be avoided. This applies not only to the moment of implantation, but also to the recovery period. But compared to other types of prosthetics, the morbidity here is much lower.

There are a number of contraindications for implantation. Your dentist will tell you about them.

Doctors unanimously say that after losing a tooth, you should not hesitate to restore it. Implantation can take place quickly and with minimal discomfort for the person. If it has been inactive for a long time, you will have to use sinus lift technology. This is bone tissue building. Under certain circumstances, it can cause discomfort to the patient.

Speaking about the price of implantation, in comparison with conventional prosthetics, it is more expensive.

Characteristic disadvantages

It is better to avoid the procedure for people who have problems with the endocrine system and heart, mental disorders, oncology, or allergies to medications. Implants should not be installed if there is inflammation in the mouth. The listed diseases in remission may not be absolute contraindications, but relative ones.

Often refusal of dental implantation is associated with the high cost of this procedure; this is a significant drawback. The operation is really not cheap; the price of replacing one tooth starts from 60-70 thousand rubles.

However, you should not lose sight of the fact that the implant is installed for life, and classic-type prostheses should be changed quite often. The high price is more than compensated for if you take the long term into account.

Service life of implant parts

There is always a chance that the pin will not take root, and this process lasts about six months. Smokers are at risk, as nicotinic acid can cause denture rejection.

If dentures are placed at the top, there is a high risk of damage to the maxillary sinuses. Inexperienced doctors can make mistakes during the procedure and cause big troubles.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel the slightest discomfort. However, not everyone decides to undergo surgery. This is a complex operation that involves damage to the integrity of soft and bone tissue, nerve endings and mucous membrane. After such an intervention, swelling inevitably occurs; rehabilitation may take several days.

When weighing the pros and cons of dental implantation, it is important to thoroughly analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of dentures. The video below will help you understand the intricacies of the procedure:

Are the savings justified?

Speaking about different types of dental implants, their pros and cons

, the issue of price could not be avoided. Unfortunately, traditional prosthetics are cheaper than implantation, so patients often prefer the first option. Sometimes the reason is fear of a new unfamiliar procedure, as well as contraindications to it.

Before choosing traditional dentures, consider the following points:

  • To install dentures, grinding and depulping of adjacent teeth are required. In the future, the prosthesis will need to be reinstalled due to the destruction of adjacent teeth. This process is inevitable.
  • A removable denture does not prevent bone loss. Therefore, your facial features will change over time.
  • Even fixed dentures do not prevent the development of caries. In this case, it is necessary to remove them in order to cure the disease.
  • People who use dentures will confirm that they experience pain while chewing food.

Contraindications to dental implantation become a disadvantage for those people who have them. But at the same time, the ban is also imposed on people who suffer from severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems and connective tissue. It covers those patients who have advanced liver and thyroid diseases. Unfortunately, allergies to antibacterial drugs and painkillers also do not allow for full implantation.

There are local contraindications:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity due to insufficient hygiene.

In the first case, the doctor treats foci of inflammation. In the second case, the dentist conducts an explanatory conversation with the patient. If he flatly refuses to change his habits, he is informed that implantation is impossible.

Taking bisphosphonates is another contraindication. The drugs affect bone structure. If you have a metal allergy, you should tell your doctor. The structure that will be installed in the future will first be sent for a special examination. It will reveal the percentage of metal alloys.

Patient reviews

During pregnancy, a tooth became inflamed and had to be removed. There was an ugly hole left. My husband suggested getting an implant, I agreed. After the procedure, slight swelling appeared, which went away after a while. I chose dentures with a lifetime guarantee and have no regrets.


I hesitated between a bridge and an implant, and ultimately chose the latter option. There are many varieties available now. After choosing for a long time, I decided to settle on a domestic manufacturer. Overall, I was satisfied with the result. The dentist assured that this solution is no worse than its foreign counterpart, and I completely agree with him.


The doctor advised me to think about implantation, and after studying all the pros and cons, I decided in favor of Swiss prostheses.
Fortunately, I did not have any contraindications to the installation. Now I'm happy with how the design has taken root. I am completely satisfied with the implant, and I am pleased with the aesthetic appeal. Tatiana

Price of dental implants and classic dentures: comparison

20,000 rub. the minimum cost of installing an implant. The maximum cost may vary, from 50,000 rubles. and higher. The cost of an abutment starts from 4,000 rubles. The price is determined in accordance with the manufacturer. The cost of a crown also differs, depending on the material from which it is made. If it is made of metal ceramics, then the price starts from 15,000 rubles, and if it is made of zirconium oxide, then from 25,000 rubles. When a patient requires a sinus lift, its price ranges from 11,000-30,000 rubles, sometimes higher. Conclusion: 40,000 rub. Turnkey implantation costs along with a crown. Compared to implantation, installation of clasp and bridge prostheses costs approximately the same. Additionally, they involve grinding of teeth. We must not forget about the need to replace the structure in the future. Approximately 36,000 rubles. installation of a removable denture costs. But the structure will have to be reinstalled annually.

The choice in favor of one or another method of dental restoration is up to you. We hope the above facts will help you with this.

Pro #3: Better aesthetics

Implantation allows you to achieve outstanding aesthetics, especially when it comes to single prosthetics. Dentists today have hundreds of different models of implants and abutments in their arsenal, which allow them to achieve very good results. Add to this modern zirconium or ceramic crowns, and you get the perfect formula for success. If you use orthopedic structures that are not made from the most advanced materials or use removable dentures supported by implants, the aesthetics will be somewhat worse, but even in this case, your smile will be quite attractive. Classic products can also look very good, especially when it comes to, for example, a zirconia bridge. But here again there are certain risks associated with the health of supporting teeth and bone tissue atrophy.

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