External signs of a drug addict: face, gait, behavior


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Recognizing a person who uses drugs is not that difficult. Drug addiction rapidly destroys the human body, which leads to serious changes in its appearance.

  • What drug addicts look like
  • Drug addict face
  • Acne in drug addicts
  • Ulcers
  • The eyes of a drug addict
  • Why do drug addicts have red eyes?
  • Dilated pupils
  • No reaction to light
  • Bruises under the eyes
  • Drug addict look
  • Heroin eyes
  • Hashish eyes
  • Eyes under pills
  • Hands of a drug addict
  • Brushes
  • Swollen
  • Vienna
  • Injection marks
  • Addict's legs
  • Addict's nails
  • Drug addict's teeth
  • Addict's body
  • Addict's groin
  • Addict skin
  • The body of a drug addict
  • What do drug addicts turn into?
  • Character of a drug addict
  • Appearance of a drug addict
  • Drug addict behavior
  • Drug addict sniffles
  • Constantly smiling
  • The gait of a drug addict
  • Why do drug addicts itch?
  • How does a drug addict talk?
  • Signs of a typical drug addict
  • Behavior of a former drug addict
  • Social portrait
  • Psychology of a drug addict
  • People who are drug addicts: what they look like (photo)

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What drug addicts look like

Drug addiction has a detrimental effect not only on the consciousness of the person who uses psychoactive substances, but also on all systems of the body. It is important to know how to understand that a person is an addict: only in this case will you be able to promptly pay attention to the existing problem and, together with the addict, find a solution to it.

Drug addict face

The classic image of a drug addict includes being thin, having sores on the hands and face, a pale skin tone, and bags under the eyes. Indeed: the face of a drug addict has an unnaturally pale or bluish tint, very often ulcers and rashes appear in the cheeks and forehead. Due to vitamin deficiency, you can see pockets in the corners of your mouth, and your lips are dry and cracked.

Acne in drug addicts

The effects of using synthetic drugs are most noticeable on the skin: massive areas with rashes often appear in the cheeks, forehead and chin. Acne most often occurs in people addicted to methamphetamine.


As mentioned above, the skin of a drug addict becomes covered with numerous rashes. Failure to comply with hygiene rules leads to an expansion of the area of ​​inflammation, and scratching and squeezing pimples leads to the formation of wounds. Often, as a result of the use of psychoactive substances, hallucinations occur, during which a person thinks that insects are crawling under his skin. To get rid of them, in a foggy state, a person combs his face.

The eyes of a drug addict

You can tell a drug addict from a healthy person by their eyes. Under some substances, the addict cannot focus on one thing; his eyes “run” from one point to another. A reverse reaction is also possible when a person looks at one point. It's like it's freezing.


Why do drug addicts have red eyes?

Often, the eyes become “glassy” and the whites acquire a reddish tint after consuming hashish. Stimulants prevent a person from sleeping for a long time, which also leads to a change in the color of proteins.

Dilated pupils

Substances such as ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, amphetamine and vint cause pupil dilation. For some time after using the drug, the pupils remain wide, then return to normal size.

No reaction to light

The pupil of a drug addict reacts slowly to light. In a state of serious poisoning, there may be no reaction at all: in this case, immediate medical attention is necessary.

Bruises under the eyes

Disturbances in sleep rhythm, decreased immunity and disruption of internal organs lead to the appearance of bruises under the eyes. Combined with rapid weight loss, your eyes may become sunken and surrounded by dark areas.

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Drug addict look

The look of a drug addict is clouded and indifferent. Most often, the eyes express fatigue and absent-mindedness. Under the influence of hallucinogens, a person fixates his gaze on one point, often opening his eyes wide. Stimulants cause rapid switching of attention from one subject to another.

Heroin eyes

The pupils of heroin addicts can be either constricted or dilated. At the moment of drug intoxication, the eyes are half-closed and may roll back.

Hashish eyes

As a result of using hashish, the whites of the eyes turn red, watery, and the pupils dilate. The addict squints, smiles at something, and laughs for no apparent reason.

Eyes under pills

The use of hallucinogens leads to dilation of the pupils. A person can look straight ahead if the hallucinations affect his entire consciousness, or he can fix his gaze on a specific object.


Hands of a drug addict

One of the main signs of injection drug use is the appearance of specific marks on the hands. In addition to injection marks, there may be other signs of drug addiction, which we will discuss below.


The brushes take on a white tint, the person rapidly loses weight, and the figure becomes “angular.” Under the influence of certain substances, the skin begins to itch unbearably, so that scratching and redness may appear on the hands.


Hyperemic, swollen hands indicate the development of serious pathologies in the body of a drug addict. This most often occurs in people who inject drugs. If such a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Not only characteristic injection marks appear in the area of ​​the elbow, hands and inguinal vessels. In severe cases, inflammation, abscesses and scratching can be seen in the vein area. A complication of this symptom is the development of gangrene.

Injection marks

Most often, traces of injections can be traced in the area of ​​the elbow and radial joint. Over time, injection sites run out; in the later stages, injections are made into the inguinal, cervical vessels and even fingers. Injection marks on the hands may appear as dots or small ulcers.


Addict's legs

The legs of a drug addict look thin and unnaturally pale. In addition to injection marks in the veins, the drug addict’s legs often begin to rot as a result of using codeine-containing drugs. If you do not stop, there is a risk of irreversible changes in the structure of the tissues of the lower extremities. The only salvation will be amputation.

Addict's nails

Brittleness, relief and changes in the shade of nails may indicate a person’s drug addiction. Often the nails begin to turn yellow and peel.

Drug addict's teeth

A sharp decrease in immunity and the negative effects of chemicals lead to a change in the color of the drug addict’s teeth. Sometimes teeth become so bad that they begin to fall out.

Addict's body

A person is rapidly losing weight. Under the influence of salts, weight can decrease by more than 1 kg per week. The skin turns pale and becomes covered in rashes.

Addict's groin

Injection marks are often visible in the groin area of ​​a heroin addict. Due to infection with HIV, hepatitis and other diseases, the inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged.

Addict skin

An unnaturally pale and bluish tint of the skin is characteristic of most addicts. When infected with hepatitis, the skin begins to turn yellow.

The body of a drug addict

Drug use leads to the following complications for the body:

  • Infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C through a syringe;
  • Purulent tissue complications due to injections in “makeshift” conditions, as well as due to intravenous administration of low-quality solutions;
  • Serious injuries resulting from a fight or carelessness while under the influence of drugs;
  • Burns. Drug addicts often feel cold and fall asleep close to heating appliances. Due to the effect of drugs on nerve endings, pain occurs too late, after the burn has occurred;
  • Severe pathologies of organs and systems, including cancer.

It is necessary to know how drug addicts behave when they use drugs. Vigilance and courtesy will help you find an approach to building an effective dialogue with an addicted person.


What do drug addicts turn into?

Drug addiction pushes people to commit serious crimes. Unbearable withdrawal drives a person to theft, prostitution and even murder in order to get the next dose. Drug-addicted girls often engage in prostitution, dooming themselves to sexually transmitted and infectious diseases. In some cases, the addict’s psyche comes to irreversible changes.

Character of a drug addict

People who are influenced by others often experience drug addiction. Drug addicts often do not have a sufficient supply of personal resources to independently confront the traumatic reality without the use of “doping” in the form of psychoactive substances.

Appearance of a drug addict

Changes in the state of a drug addict can be tracked by their appearance. First of all, the addict loses weight. Most often this happens not only due to poor nutrition, but also the use of stimulants.


  1. Lyrics: a brief description of the drug.
  2. Main symptoms of addiction:
  3. 2.1. Manifestations of withdrawal syndrome.

  4. How to get rid of Lyrica: basic treatment methods.

Lyrica is a drug widely used in neurology and psychiatry. For practicing doctors, its undoubted advantage is good tolerability, the possibility of use for concomitant diseases of the liver and kidneys, a pronounced therapeutic effect, compatibility with other drugs and a fairly short list of contraindications. When taken in the dose recommended by a doctor, it is completely safe, but if the prescribed dosage is exceeded, addiction develops with all the classic symptoms: withdrawal syndrome, loss of self-control, the desire to take pills again and again. The problem of how to quit Lyrica is almost impossible to solve on your own; this requires professional help from a narcologist and comprehensive treatment.

Drug addict behavior

The use of psychoactive substances affects the behavior of the drug addict not only at the time of drug intoxication. Often a person experiences constant stress, wanting to hide the fact of addiction, and thinking about how to get money to get the next dose.

Let's highlight several behavioral signs of drug addiction:

  • The drug addict seeks to hide from his surroundings and often wants to be alone;
  • Moral stress and withdrawal symptoms lead to a frequent desire to smoke. If a person has significantly increased the number of cigarettes they smoke per day, or previously had no nicotine addiction at all, they should be wary;
  • Unstable emotional background of a person with addiction: a depressive state is replaced by aggression or euphoria;
  • The addict takes things out of the house, looking for all available ways to make quick money;
  • A person tries to hide personal belongings from others, wears shirts and sweaters with long sleeves in order to hide traces of injections.

You can suspect addiction based on other signs, which we will discuss later.

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Drug addict sniffles

Often, sniffing and rubbing the nose is a consequence of the use of “snorting” drugs. This can be amphetamine, cocaine, heroin and synthetic mixtures. Over time, erosions and other “sores” appear on the mucous membranes and around the nose.

Constantly smiling

Unreasonable and frequent smiling may be a consequence of euphoria due to drug use. You should pay attention to other features of a person's behavior to discover the root cause of strange behavior.

The gait of a drug addict

In a state of intoxication, the addict’s legs give way, his gait looks difficult and uncertain. The drug addict falls or staggers, and may dance. Springy movements and strange and extensive waving of the arms are often noticeable.

Why do drug addicts itch?

One of the symptoms of drug addiction is scratching of the face, neck and limbs. In a state of intoxication, sensory hallucinations occur: a person thinks that insects are moving under his skin. Hallucinations may take another form, but as a result, unbearable itching occurs, most often in the face and neck.


Lyrica: a brief description of the drug

The medication contains a substance called pregabalin. This is an artificially synthesized compound, but its chemical structure is similar to one of the main physiological neurotransmitters - gamma-aminobutyric acid (usually abbreviated GABA). Indications for the use of Lyrica are:

  • anxiety disorders, depression (as part of complex therapy);
  • epilepsy (in combination with anticonvulsants);
  • pain syndrome of neurological origin (neuropathy, fibromyalgia, diabetic polyneuropathy, muscle and joint pain associated with diseases or consequences of spinal surgery, postherpetic neuralgia, etc.).

Some drug treatment protocols allow the use of pregabalin to relieve pain, tremors and seizures during withdrawal symptoms and as an anxiolytic agent during further rehabilitation. But given the addictive potential of Lyrica, the effectiveness of such a scheme seems very doubtful to most narcologists.

The initial recommended daily dose is 0.15 g; if necessary, it is gradually increased to 0.6 g and divided into three equal doses. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. It is also impossible to abruptly quit Lyrica; to avoid withdrawal symptoms, the dose is gradually reduced over at least 7-10 days.

Signs of a typical drug addict

There are several traits that are common to almost every drug addict:

  • Unproductive and monotonous activity, lethargy, which is replaced by psychomotor agitation;
  • Disturbances in appetite and sleep patterns;
  • Talkativeness or withdrawal;
  • Chaotic sexual relationships;
  • Quick spending of newly received funds;
  • Emotional instability.

These symptoms are not the main way to determine drug addiction: most often they only complement the overall picture.

What to apply to the mucous membrane after vaginal injury?

To speed up the healing of microtraumas, you can use GINOCOMFORT intimate restorative gel, created by specialists of the pharmaceutical company VERTEX, which has undergone clinical studies at the Department of Dermatovenerology with the clinic of St. Petersburg State Medical University and has the necessary documents and quality certificates. It eliminates vaginal discomfort, manifested in the form of itching, burning, irritation and dryness. Thanks to its safe composition, which includes natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, lactic acid, chamomile extract, panthenol and bisabolol, the product helps accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve inflammation and eliminate irritation. The use of the gel is recommended to normalize the vaginal microflora and for the rapid healing of minor injuries.

Social portrait

Experts have identified several features of the social portrait of a drug addict. Often this group of people includes:

  • Men under 39 years of age, unmarried, living with their parents;
  • Complete secondary or vocational education;
  • People who do not have official employment most often become drug addicts.

According to statistics, drug addicts often come from families with an unfavorable psychological climate. A low standard of living, lack of proper upbringing, and connections with bad companies lead to substance abuse at an early age, which develops into the use of hard drugs.

Smoker's Journal

Keeping a journal will help you become more attuned to your impulses and actions. A few weeks before you quit smoking, you should start a journal in which you will enter information about each cigarette you use. Every time you need to pay attention to what prompted you to reach for tobacco products in your pocket.

Also, the following data must be entered into the log:

  • You need to rate the strength of your desire from 1 to 20 (the higher the score, the stronger the desire to smoke)
  • What activity were you doing at that moment?
  • What people were nearby when you felt the urge to smoke?
  • It is necessary to characterize your well-being (good mood or bad, whether something hurts or not, and so on).
  • What sensation did you experience when the cigarette was finally smoked?
  • Thanks to such a magazine, it will be easy to find out why a person reaches for a cigarette. What feelings is he trying to suppress in himself at this moment?

Psychology of a drug addict

Drug addiction often accompanies people who have suffered mental, physical and sexual violence. An unfavorable environment at home, the inability to find a common language with parents and peers leads to the fact that a person experiences a serious desire to hide from the traumatic reality. At an early age, the child “hides” from the world in video games and dubious companies, and a little later resorts to using alcohol and drugs. This means that addiction therapy must necessarily include working with a psychotherapist to overcome mental hardships and learn to live in sobriety.

Apples instead of cigarettes

Alcohol and cigarette. Staying without cigarettes while intoxicated is much more difficult. It is alcoholic drinks that lead people to a breakdown to the greatest extent, and all previous work to get rid of addiction is canceled in an instant.

Advice: the best solution in this situation would be to completely abstain from alcohol, but if this is not feasible, then you should drink it only in places where smoking is not allowed. Just like with food, you can replace a cigarette in such a situation with nuts, chips, or simply hold a match or a cocktail straw in your mouth.

People who are drug addicts: what they look like (photo)

The appearance of a drug addict is distinguished by its soreness. Of course, the presence of acne on the face, bruises under the eyes and pale skin does not always indicate the presence of drug addiction. To determine a possible dependence, it is necessary to pay close attention to many factors at once.

Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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One comment on ““External signs of a drug addict: face, gait, behavior””

  1. Lyudmila:

    January 19, 2022 at 03:04

    If you notice some of the above signs in your teen, try talking to him. During such a conversation, you can determine whether your suspicions are confirmed. If you start a conversation about drugs, the teenager will immediately become wary, and after your question there will be a long pause before the teenager answers it. Or maybe there will be no answer at all, or he will be slow to answer questions. During drug addiction, even the simplest question can cause difficulty for a teenager. Causes dry mouth, redness of lips and eyes, dilated pupils. The addict becomes restless and constantly moves. His speech is leisurely. The appetite is “wolfish”; after the intoxication wears off, there is intense thirst.



  1. Medical almanac: peer-reviewed medical scientific and practical journal / founders: Nizhny Novgorod State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. medical acad. Ministry of Health and Social Development, Remedium Group LLC. 2022, No. 5 (50) - 186 p.
  2. Kozlovsky, Vladimir Leonidovich. A short reference book on psychopharmacology, pharmacotherapy and mental pathology / St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2015
  3. I.A. Strokov, V.A. Golovacheva, P.Ya. Brand. Pregabalin in the treatment of pain syndromes. Magazine "Medical Council", 2013.

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