Effective technology for filling baby teeth
Untimely treatment of caries in children leads to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of tooth tissue, including
X-ray of the paranasal sinuses: when is it prescribed, what does the result show?
Although doctors do not have a consensus on the functions of the paranasal sinuses, if problems arise with
In a dream, see a broken denture
Why do you dream about dentures? A denture is an excellent alternative to a lost tooth. However, see
caries prevention
Root caries and the role of fluoride prophylaxis in its prevention and treatment
Causes Types of prevention Hygiene Treatment in the stain stage How to avoid? Caries - damage to hard
drooling, dysarthria
Edible or inedible? The pediatrician of the Novogrudok Central District Hospital talks about what to do if a child swallows a foreign object.
In children with dysarthria, the mobility of speech and facial muscles is severely limited, so they pronounce
Theodent paste for children
Chocolate paste and peeling for teeth: is there any point in such perversions?
Theodent hygienic toothpaste is the result of many years of painstaking work by a group of Tulane University scientists. by them
Dental treatment for children in pictures
Dental treatment for children of different ages and its features
Caries can affect children's teeth even at the eruption stage. Under 7 years of age
The most common dental diseases in children
Even small children are susceptible to dental diseases, since the enamel and gums of children are not yet sufficient
Cases in orthodontics: when are figure eights removed and when is it better to leave them?
Pets, like people, need dental care. They suffer from caries, gingivitis, periodontitis
Remedies for fumes or how to get rid of bad breath in the morning
How to quickly sober up, get rid of fumes and other consequences of alcohol poisoning
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