Cost of bite correction using an example

Orthodontics (braces)

Pediatric orthodontics

Treatment with braces

The role of the orthodontist in prosthetics and implantation planning.

How much do braces cost?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that studies the causes, diagnosis, methods of prevention and treatment of dentofacial anomalies.

Normalizing the bite, straightening “crooked” teeth, creating a beautiful smile, as well as preventing the development of malocclusions while the child is still growing - these are the main tasks of the orthodontist.

In addition, most often this specialist has to deal with the following pathologies:

  • breathing and speech disorders;
  • violation of chewing, swallowing;
  • bruxism (night grinding of teeth);
  • bad habits and their consequences (thumb sucking, lip biting, etc.).

The role of the orthodontist in preparing for implantation and dental prosthetics is important.

Modern orthodontics provides a wide range of therapeutic and preventive measures and means to achieve good results, and all of them are carried out in the Premier dental clinic.

In what cases is the installation of a bracket system indicated?

You will have to install braces to correct bite defects and some other dental features. In addition, they can be installed for aesthetic purposes. Indications for the procedure are anomalies of several teeth (for example, if those

located in the wrong places, turned the wrong way), jaw (too small size, underdevelopment, displacement), violations of the structure of the dentition (presence of gaps, strong tilt in the direction opposite to the tongue).

For mild defects, it is often possible to straighten the teeth without braces by wearing mouth guards or aligners. In the most severe situations, surgery may be required. It is recommended to consult an orthodontist to select the optimal treatment option.

The role of the orthodontist in prosthetics and implantation planning.

Many patients who plan to place crowns and other structures in place of extracted teeth experience problems because neighboring teeth have begun to tilt and partially take the place of the missing tooth. Or there may be a situation when the tooth that is located opposite the removed one (for example, if the lower one has been removed), that is, the upper tooth begins to fall into the empty space, thereby making it difficult to place a full-fledged crown in place of the lost tooth.

All these problems can be easily solved with the help of braces! Yes, yes, braces can be worn not only by young people or teenagers, but by patients of all ages. Moreover, even if you were not completely satisfied with your smile, and all your life you dreamed of bringing it to ideal, it is never too late to straighten your teeth, create correct, comfortable contacts and correctly replace missing teeth. The comprehensive work of our specialists will help you fulfill your dream and conquer others with a beautiful smile! You can also explore the possibility of dental implantation in our clinic.

How braces work

Correction of the bite by this method occurs due to the pressure that the system exerts on the structures on which it is placed. The main element is not a small lock, but the arch itself: after putting it on, this part tends to return to the initially given shape, pulls the locks attached to the teeth, due to which they gradually shift and return to their physiological state.

To get the correct bite, you will have to periodically carry out corrections. First you need to install a thin elastic arch. As the condition improves, it will have to be replaced with a new, more rigid one.

It is important that all elements are installed correctly. Otherwise, pressure will be applied to the wrong structures, which not only will not lead to correction of the situation, but may also cause deterioration in the condition of the teeth.

So what exactly does the cost of a braces system depend on?

Let's start with something simple.

In a simple metal brace system, the braces are metal, the arch is fixed with “ligatures” - silicone rings. (Ligatures also come in both transparent and colored, but this does not affect the price.)

In a self-ligating brace system, the braces are also metal, but the arch is fixed with a “lock” on the bracket, which allows you to fix the arch more firmly, and therefore work faster, i.e. correct the bite. At the same time, the bracket itself is slightly smaller.

For those who want to visually hide the presence of a brace system on their teeth, there are so-called “aesthetic” brace systems. These are ceramic - “white”, sapphire - “translucent” and a slightly more affordable option, combined braces, i.e. In such a bracket system, the front six brackets located in the “smile zone” are ceramic or sapphire, and the rest are metal.

All aesthetic brace systems can be either simple (the arch is fixed with “ligatures” - silicone rings) or self-ligating (the arch is fixed with a “lock” on the bracket).

Types of bracket systems depending on different classification criteria

There are several different classifications according to which systems that provide bite correction are divided into groups.

Depending on the material

Systems can be made from various materials:

  1. Metal ones are the most durable.
  2. Ceramic ones are often chosen by public figures due to the low visibility of such systems.
  3. Sapphire ones are a more expensive option.
  4. Plastic ones are the cheapest. In case of severe impairments, wearing them will not bring the desired effect.
  5. Titanium ones will not cause allergies, so they are installed when unwanted reactions occur. The cost starts from 20,000 rubles.
  6. Combined ones involve the use of 2 different materials: for the front teeth - less prominent, for the back teeth - cheaper.

Depending on the location in the oral cavity

There are 2 types:

  1. Vestibular, or external: such designs are very effective. Most patients get used to wearing it quickly, in just a few days. The use of such systems does not negatively affect the quality of diction. Another advantage is the absence of difficulties in caring for the product. In pediatric dentistry, only this type is used: fastening from the inside is not suitable for minors. The only negative is that such a device does not look very nice.
  2. Lingual ones are installed from the inside. They are more difficult for outsiders to see, but for the owner they are not as comfortable as vestibular ones.

Depending on the method of connecting the arch to the braces

The following varieties exist:

  1. Ligatures. The main advantage of this modification is its high efficiency: with the help of the product it is possible to correct even the most severe violations. This option won't cost too much. As treatment progresses, it will be convenient for the doctor to change the type of ligation without replacing the structure itself.
  2. When choosing non-ligating or self-ligating systems, the doctor will not be able to make such a replacement. The design assumes the initially established type of ligation. The main advantage is ease of maintenance. There are also disadvantages: the product is bulky and expensive (installation on both sets of teeth will cost 80,000 rubles).

Why do you need to correct your bite?

1) Aesthetics.

Firstly, it's aesthetics. An incorrect bite may well cause a person to feel embarrassed during communication, affect the correct diction and even posture. Wearing braces allows you to cope with smile defects.

2) Problem with joint function

Due to an incorrect bite, the temporomandibular joint also begins to suffer. This, in turn, will begin to cause headaches and clicking sounds when moving the jaw.

3) Teeth lifespan

Crooked teeth have almost no contact with each other, so during chewing they cannot distribute the load equally. This will gradually cause your teeth to become loose and even wear away, and will also cause problems with tooth decay. This problem also requires wearing braces.

Pros and cons of different types of braces

When choosing a brace system to correct a malocclusion, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the different options.


The most commonly used are correction devices made of metal. Their cost is from 15,000 rubles.

Metal braces do not look very nice, so many adults prefer to make the system more invisible and purchase a variety with a white Teflon coating. The main advantage of this modification is its high strength and small size. Thanks to this, the discomfort quickly passes, and after 2-3 days the patient does not experience pain when wearing it.


The cheapest option is a plastic product. Suitable for short-term treatment of mildly expressed defects. The cost is about 10,000 rubles. This material also has disadvantages: this design breaks easily and can become stained from eating certain foods or from smoking.


Ceramic braces are more expensive and are made individually for each person. You won’t be able to see such products from afar: you can only see them from a short distance. The cost of this variety starts from 20,000 rubles. You will have to give up staining foods and drinks (coffee, wine, some spices) and smoking, otherwise your braces will quickly darken.


Sapphire braces are the most expensive: you will have to spend 25,000 rubles for installation on 1 row of teeth. You can only see them up close. The advantage is the absence of allergic reactions during installation. Such structures are much stronger than ceramic ones; It is more difficult to break only metal products. For some patients, the advantage of this option is that the system will shimmer and sparkle.


Lingual braces are installed on the inside of the teeth. You can only see them at close range. The procedure and the product will cost more than vestibular braces: the cost starts from 30,000 rubles. The downside is the severe discomfort that a person will experience when wearing it: it takes people 1 week or longer to get used to it. In addition, diction is often impaired and the language is damaged. Difficulties also arise with maintaining the system.


Combined braces involve installing sapphire or ceramic braces on the front teeth and cheaper metal ones on the back teeth. This way, the presence of the system will not be noticed too often, and the price will be lower than when installing an expensive product on the entire dentition.

How much do braces cost?

The cost of installing braces can be found in the price list or by calling our phone number, where you will be advised on the types and prices of braces.

Here are a few examples from the world of “stars” - another proof that a beautiful smile is the key to success!

Orthodontics in Ufa

Installation of braces

Do's and don'ts when straightening teeth with braces

When leveling, you should not skip periodic tightening. They will have to be done regardless of what type of structure a person chooses to correct the bite. The frequency of procedures should be determined by the doctor. If you neglect braces, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Restrictions are placed on the diet. Food should be warm; Food that is too cold or too hot will not do. In the first few days, it is better to eat soft foods: liquid, jelly-like or pureed food; this will help avoid pain and discomfort, which are often observed immediately after installation.

Solid food can cause the arch to break or the clasps to come loose. For this reason, you will have to stop eating nuts, seeds, crackers and crackers, and hard candies. Sticky food is also not suitable for correcting a bite: it can stick to the structure, after which it will not be easy to remove the remaining food. Prohibited foods include cheese, chips, dried fruits, soft bread, nougat, toffee, and cereal products. If you do eat such dishes, you should brush your teeth as soon as possible using special brushes.

Chewing gum is prohibited. The arc may become bent, requiring replacement. Additionally, cleaning gum from braces can be difficult.

It is recommended to avoid dye products. They are not dangerous to health, but they will make your appearance less attractive: the braces will become stained and become better visible to others. You should avoid coffee, red wine, a number of spices, black tea and beets. It is recommended to refrain from smoking cigarettes, pipes and hookahs: they can cause discoloration of the enamel or structure.

You should not drink sweet soda, as such drinks are highly acidic and have a negative effect on tooth enamel. When braces are removed, stains may remain. Berries with small seeds are dangerous: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. Seeds can get stuck in the structure, which will lead to rapid deterioration and it will look ugly.

Price for installing braces

Installation of self-ligating metal braces “DamonQ” on one jaw40 000
Installation of self-ligating ceramic braces “DamonClear” on one jaw46 000
Installation of ligature metal braces “MTX” on one jaw20 000
Installation of ligature ceramic braces “MTX” on one jaw25 000
Installation of non-ligature metal braces “H4” on one jaw32 500
Re-fixing one bracket when it comes off300


Summing up all the necessary stages, the minimum cost of correcting a bite using a simple metal brace system will be = 500 + 3,000 + 30,000 + 30,000 + (36,000 * 2 jaws) + 18,000 = 153,500 rubles.

Those. for two years of treatment you will spend the amount of 153,500 rubles.

If we divide this amount by 24 months (average treatment time), we find that the average financial burden for one month over two years will be 6,396 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that yes, the cost of braces varies greatly. However, no matter what brace system you choose, the result will exceed all your expectations, the treatment time in the positive environment of the ArtDental clinic will fly by quickly, and you will have a beautiful and happy smile!

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